Girlfriends in God Daily Devotional for Women

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Girlfriends in God - Aug. 21, 2007


August 21, 2007

What Can I Do?

Gwen Smith




Today’s Truth

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples” (John 15:8) NIV.


Friend to Friend

From the time I was little, I always loved going to church. Now, I didn’t necessarily love wearing a dress like my mom always wanted me to…but I loved church. I loved the singing, the felt-board Sunday school lessons, the Bible games, and hanging out with my friends. I also loved Mr. Dunn, my Sunday school teacher. He was always quick with a smile that was like a warm blanket.


Each Sunday, he taught our Bible lesson and then told us about Jesus. He would share a simple Gospel message and then ask us if we wanted to accept Christ as our Savior. With small heads bowed, we would be led in a basic sinner’s prayer. I’m quite certain there will be a long line of people in heaven that will be thanking Mr. Dunn for his faithful service and life changing prayers. I’ll be one of them.


Now, Mr. Dunn wasn’t in full time ministry. He was a regular guy with a regular job. He had a loving wife, a handful of kids, and a modest home. What made him effective for Christ was his willingness to be used. He volunteered a few hours a week. He was approachable, loving, and kind. He shared smiles, hugs and hope with kids. That’s something we can all do.


Whether you are reading this devotion in LA or Bombay – whether you are in your 20s, 40s, 60s or 80s – whether you are single, married, divorced or widowed – whether you are Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, or Non-Denominational believers – whether you are white, black, yellow or tan – whether you’ve had an abortion, an addiction, or an affair - if you are a forgiven child of God, restored by the blood of Christ…if you have a pulse, you can serve the Lord with your time, talents, and treasures!


Jesus told His disciples, “…whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave just as the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:26-28) NIV


Each of us is called to serve God in ministry. He wants us to be His servants in practical ways. I hope today that every one of us will ask the simple question, “What can I do, Lord?” I think we will be pleasantly surprised at God’s ability to do extraordinary things through our ordinary selves. After all – as one of my favorite sayings goes – “God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called.”


Let’s Pray

Lord, Thank You for allowing me to come along side of You in ministry. Please speak to my heart. Prepare me for any challenges that You might be calling me to face. Guide me to my next assignment; then help me to cheerfully and to faithfully serve You with my time, talent, and treasures. May it all be accomplished to point others to Your glory!


In Jesus’ Name,



Now it’s Your Turn

As the great musical theologian Bob Dillon, always sang; “You’ve got to serve somebody.” Take a mental inventory of ways you are currently serving God.


Of the ways you are serving, how many line up with your gifts and interests?


Jesus tells His disciples that in order to be fruitful, we must remain in Him. Read John 15:1-17 right now.


More from the Girlfriends

Hey friends. Some of you might have read this devotion today and are thinking,”Oh my glory! I’m already serving a gazillion ways!” If that is you, I’d suggest that you do a few things:


1. Be certain you are not spreading yourself too thin by over-serving. Saying yes to everything is as unhealthy as saying yes to nothing! (Pray for balance.)

2. Remember – if you are a wife and/or mother, your first ministry is to your family. We need to be sure that our service to God takes place under our own roof first.

3. Be sure you are serving from an overflow of God’s Word in your life…stay connected through prayer and scripture. A dry well can offer water to nobody. Remain in Christ!


Check out Gwen’s CD “Show Me the Way.” A compilation of praise and power! The soulful blend of smooth music crosses the lines of contemporary gospel, jazz, and even Caribbean, emphasizing Gwen's God-given talents of writing and performing.



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