Girlfriends in God Daily Devotional for Women

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Girlfriends in God - Aug. 3, 2007


August 3, 2007

Taking Every Thought Captive

Part 3

Recognizing Satan’s Lies

Sharon Jaynes



Today’s Truth

“We are destroying speculation and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5 NASB).


Friend to Friend

My neighbor, Michael, was a stand in for Samuel, the nine-year-old son of Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson) in the movie The Patriot. For months, Michael wore his long hair with extensions, slipped on Italian knickers and knee-high stockings and acted the part of an American colonial boy. He traveled to rural South Carolina where part of the movie was filmed and where he received an education in the production of the silver screen. Michael saw how producers and makeup artists made something appear as though it were real. The movie was rated R for violent content, but his parents let nine-year-old Michael watch it upon release. The movie was a bloody realistic reenactment of the horrors of the Revolutionary War. However, during the guts and gore, little Michael didn’t even bat an eye. Why? He knew it wasn’t real.


During one scene, Mel Gibson pummeled a British soldier and landed a hatchet square in the middle of his bloody forehead. I covered my eyes. Michael watched nonplused. His comment?


“That guy walked around on the set with that hatchet in his head for three days. We even ate lunch together and he had that hatchet with fake blood glued to his face. It isn’t real.”


Michael knew what was true and it removed all fear. That’s the power of the truth. Yesterday we looked at step one to taking every thought captive. Today let’s look at step two:


Step One: Recognize the Enemy’s True Identity

Step Two: Recognize Satan’s Lies


In 2 Corinthians 2:11 Paul says, "We are not unaware of the enemy’s (Satan's) schemes." So let’s take a few moments and look at his battle plan. "The One who is in you is greater than the one that is in the world" (I John: 4:4) and Paul reminds us that "in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us" (Romans 8:37). But let’s see how this defeated foe operates and plays with our minds so we can recognize the lies when he fires them at us.


If Satan came to you in a little red suit with a pitchfork and announced himself as the devil, you wouldn’t believe a word he said. But he is cunning and disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). When he deceived Eve, he even quoted Scripture – albeit twisted and distorted. He has a collection of old tapes from your past and pushes rewind and play, rewind and play. Oh yes, he knows just which buttons to push. He also uses personal pronouns like “I” instead of “you.” The thoughts sound something like this: “I am a failure. I am a looser. I can’t do anything right. I am ugly.” The thoughts sound like us, feel like us and before you know it, we think it is us. He did this all throughout Scripture and he still does it today.


Satan knows exactly which lies to whisper in your ear. He has watched you over the years and is well acquainted with your insecurities, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities. Do you tend to get discouraged? He will plant seeds of discouragement in your mind. Do you tend to feel rejection and loneliness? He will put ideas that you are rejected in your mind. But are they true? No, they are not. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. You are loved and chosen by God. That is the truth.


Here’s simple exercise. If you aren’t sure if a thought is of the enemy, attach, “In Jesus Name,” to the end of it. For example: “I can’t stand that woman, in Jesus’ Name.” “I don’t love my husband, in Jesus’ Name.” I am a loser, in Jesus Name.” Just doesn’t fit, does it? The second step we must take in order to take our thoughts captive is to recognize Satan’s lies.


Join me tomorrow as we look at step three to taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.


Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, Help me to recognize Satan’s lies. I know the only way to recognize a lie is to know the truth. I pray that the Holy Spirit will convict me when I believe a lie and that He will help me see Your truth.

In Jesus’ Name,


Now It’s Your Turn

Think of some of the negative thoughts that have run through your mind this week. Now attach “in Jesus’ Name” to the end of that thought. What does that reveal?


What are some lies that you have believed about who you are? For example: I am a loser. I can’t do anything right. I am used goods. I can never be forgiven. I am too far gone.


Friend, each one of those is a lie of the enemy. Now, who does God say that you are? Who are you going to believe?


More from the Girlfriends

This series of lessons are taken from Sharon’s book, Experience the Ultimate Makeover. If you would like to learn more about who you are, what you have, and where you are in Christ, you’ll not want to miss this valuable resource. Also, for a bit of audio encouragement, log onto and listen to Sharon radio feature.



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