Girlfriends in God - Aug. 3, 2010
August 3, 2010
Always on Time
Mary SoutherlandToday's Truth
Philippians 4:19 (NIV) "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
Friend To Friend
I grew up in Texas where we lived in what some might call a "shack" on the edge of a small town. To me, it was just home. My amazing mother often worked three jobs to make ends meet but that "meeting" did not always happen. Looking back, I can honestly say that God always provided what we needed - when we needed it. He still does.
My husband and I knew the finances would be tight last week but we did not expect the brakes to go out on one of our cars or plan a trip to urgent care or expect the electric bill to be so high. The cost of groceries suggested that we fast for awhile and the rent was due. I know you can relate.
After many years of serving God, you would think I would know and walk in the truth that God is our source and provides everything we need - when we need it. Oh, no! I panicked! A frantic search for some solution to our financial problems ensued. In the midst of that panic, I suddenly remembered the mail. Interesting timing wasn't it?
I had not checked our mailbox in three days and knew the box would be crammed full. When I unlocked our mailbox, a pile of newspapers, envelopes, magazines, bills and cards spilled into my hands and onto the ground. The mailman had also left me a key to the larger mailbox below that was usually reserved for packages. It was full of mail as well. I cleared off the kitchen table where I began sorting through the mound of paper, discarding all of the junk mail and organizing the rest.
And then I saw it - an envelope that seemed to stand out from the rest of the mail.
I slowly opened the envelope. The return address told me it was from the Women's Ministry Director of a church where I had spoken several months before. One of my best friends was a member of the church, and I had offered to speak for an event that I hoped would encourage her as well as each woman who attended. I did not ask for or expect an honorarium, but as I slowly opened the envelope, I saw a check written for the exact amount that would meet our financial needs for the week.
I fell into a chair and began to pray, asking God to forgive my lack of faith and my choice to worry instead of trusting Him. I marveled in the knowledge that the check had been written long before the need became evident to me. In other words, God met our need before we even knew we had a need.
By the way, I am a mail freak and have been for most of my life. I check the mail every single day without fail. Not this week! God knew I needed a reminder of His faithfulness and He knew exactly when I needed it. He is always right on time.
Let's Pray
Father, Thank You for meeting the needs in my life in Your perfect timing. Forgive me when I fail to trust You and allow worry to steal my joy. I want to be patient and learn how to wait on You to work in my life. Your faithfulness sustains me and Your mercy blesses my life. I praise You, God!
In Jesus' name,
Now It's Your Turn
Read Psalm 104:13-15. How does this passage of Scripture encourage you to trust God in every area of your life?
Read Luke 6:38. What does this verse say to you about the relationship between giving and receiving from God?
What need in your life is a source of fear and uncertainty? Right now, surrender that need to God and praise Him for meeting it.
More From The Girlfriends
God's love is not a shallow love that always rescues easily or quickly. God loves us enough to walk us through the fiery times that make us more like His Son, Jesus Christ. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are different from our thoughts. He is Holy God! Join me in a new commitment to trust God to work at the right time and in the right way in your life.
Need help? Check out one of Mary's E-Bible Studies for practical steps you can take to strengthen your faith and find answers to the problems you face every day. Titles include Anger Management 911, God's Answer to Stress, Getting a Grip on Fear and more.
Join other women across the world in Mary's Online Bible Study, Light for the Journey. Sandpaper People is the current series beginning August 2. Learn 10 ways to deal with the difficult people in your life. Don't miss this study! When you enroll, you also have access to all of the 2010 studies we have done so far. Check it out!
Going through a tough time? Are your fears and uncertainties rooted in your past? Get past your past! Check out Mary's FREE MP3: Getting Past Your Past.
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Girlfriends in God