Girlfriends in God - Aug. 6, 2010
August 6, 2010
Please Notice Me
Gwen SmithToday's Truth
"Long ago the Lord said to Israel: "I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself" (Jeremiah 31:3, NLT).
Friend To Friend
We were gathered as a family around the pull up bar in the upstairs hall to see our oldest son, Preston, display his thirteen-year-old man-cub strength. Like a chimpanzee, he pulled his lanky frame up and down with ease, impressing us all. When he was exhausted, Preston dropped down and met our enthusiastic applause with a satisfied grin.
As the clapping and praise died down, my nine-year-old daughter, Kennedy, decided to give the pull up bar a try. Lifted to the high metal pole by her strong daddy, she gave her best effort but fell short of her desired goal. With a slightly disappointed - but not defeated - expression, she dropped to the floor, knowing that it would be a while until her upper body strength could support numerous pull up attempts.
Then my middle child man-cub jumped up to join the pull up party. At twenty-six months younger than Preston, Hunter struggled to raise and lower his youthful body on the bar. After a few successes - and even more fumbled attempts - Hunter dropped to his feet with a scowl and stomped away angrily.
Before he got too far, my husband and I spoke words of encouragement to him.
They rolled off his wilted shoulders.
He was frustrated. Disappointed. Mad.
In his eleven-year-old mind, he thought that he should be able to do what his older brother could do. He wanted the spontaneous, enthusiastic applause of an impressed gathering - not the parental encouragement to "keep working on it." So he grumbled and stewed.
After a few cool-down moments, my husband called Hunter over to have a private daddy chat. Brad confronted Hunter on the negative behavior he displayed. Then he spoke words of life to Hunter's little boy heart.
With eyes that communicated understanding and remorse, Hunter looked at his daddy and vulnerably confessed, "I'm sorry, Dad, I just really like attention - especially from you and mom."
A beautiful love moment followed.
Our days are filled with teachable moments. Sometimes we teach children. Sometimes they teach us. Often both. Hunter's voice echoed across the globe as he spoke on behalf of all the children of the world. Every child wants attention. Every child wants love.
But that longing doesn't stop at childhood. His words ring true in our hearts, don't they? Each of us wants to be loved. We all wear an invisible sign that says, "Please notice me!" "Tell me that I'm special." "Show me that you love me...and really mean it!"
"Long ago the Lord said to Israel: "I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself" (Jeremiah 31:3, NLT).
Just as God spoke those words to His children, the Israelites, long ago, God speaks across the universe today to each daughter's heart: "I notice you!" "You are special to me." "I love you...perfectly...eternally...completely, and I really mean it." He beautifully demonstrated that love through the death and resurrection of His son, Jesus. He speaks that same love through His Word and His Spirit whispers it to the hearts of His children continuously.
Are you listening? Can you hear the whispers?
Let's Pray
Dear God, You are always worthy of my attention, my affection, my adoration, and my love. To think that You would choose to love me, listen to me, and draw me to Your heart is simply mind-boggling. You are so good! Could you please speak those words of love to my heart again today, Lord?
In Jesus' Name I pray,
Now It's Your Turn
Do you believe that God notices you? What do you base that belief on?
Insert your name in this verse: "Long ago the Lord said to ________________ "I have loved you, _______________, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself, ___________________." (Jeremiah 31:3, NLT)
Believe it, friend. It's true.
More From The Girlfriends
God's love is perfect. He has seen our biggest failures, our greatest places of shame and hurt - and yet, He beckons us to His love, forgiveness, healing, and grace. He has a plan for each life that is far beyond the shattered matters we deal with. Every step of transformation begins with our surrender to the heart of God. If you would like to learn more about how your brokenness can be reworked into a picture of God's beauty, order Gwen's book Broken Into Beautiful. This resource will help you experience the power of hope, healing and restoration!
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Girlfriends in God