Boomerang of Encouragement - Girlfriends in God - August 17, 2018
August 17, 2018
Boomerang of Encouragement
Mary Southerland
Today’s Truth
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God (2 Corinthians 1:3-4, NIV).
Friend to Friend
You have heard the old saying, “What goes around, comes around.” Truer words were never spoken when talking about encouragement. We all need encouragement – especially during the tough times. Those “tough” times can come in all shapes, sizes and forms and can vary from person to person.
We have one child who has been known to run an extremely high fever, walk around on a broken foot, and have a headache that would put me in bed… all without a word of complaint. The doctors have always been amazed at this child’s high level of pain tolerance. We have another child who has been known to dissolve into hysterics at the sight of a splinter embedded in a finger and turn ghastly pale and almost faint at the mere smell of the doctor’s office. The doctors have been amazed at this child’s low level of pain tolerance. The difference between these two children does not reflect a right or wrong reaction. As one of my friends often says, “It is what it is.” When each child was in pain, they both needed understanding, compassion, and encouragement.
When I went through my first major battle with clinical depression, one of the most precious groups of encouragers was the elders of the church where my husband was the pastor. With my permission, Dan shared with them what I was dealing with and asked them to pray. They did pray. But these men didn’t think prayer was enough. These amazing angels wanted to do more by putting feet and hands to those prayers and did not stop until they came up with a rescue plan for me.
Our church had five services each weekend and because I was so emotionally frail, I never knew which service I would be able to attend until I was on the way. Dan would relay the message that I was coming, and the elders went into action. One would meet me at the car and escort me inside. Another would keep an eye on me during the service in case I needed help. Our church auditorium had three main aisles. An elder would walk those aisles before and after the service, watching and waiting. Many times, the elder would press a note of encouragement into my hand as he passed the offering plate. If he sensed I was in trouble or caught in a draining conversation, he would swoop in, take me by the arm and say, “Excuse us, please. Mary is needed elsewhere.” I was then ushered to my car, hugged and told, “We are praying for you. We love you. Go home.” I know. It was amazing! Their encouragement was also a main factor in my recovery.
The reason these special men offered me encouragement was because Dan and I made the decision to share my pain – openly and honestly. Doing so invited them into my life. Now that I am on the other side of that pit, I remember the love and encouragement they gave me – and I am motivated to encourage others. It’s God’s circle of encouragement. However, there is another very important truth here I don’t want us to miss.
There are those who suffer alone and in silence, unable to scrape up the courage to share their pain and have no advocate to sound the alarm on their behalf. I believe God will not only give us the discernment to see their pain; but He will also show us how to encourage and build them up. He will reveal ways to help the weak and be patient with the broken lambs who cross our path … if we ask Him to do so.
Are you willing to share your pain with others and allow God to use them in your life as a source of encouragement? Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the circle of encouragement.
Let’s Pray
Father, I am amazed at how You love me through others. Thank You for the gift of encouragement. Help me to receive that gift and then to give it away to someone else in need. I want to be Your hands and feet to those who are hurting around me. Give me eyes to see them and love them, Lord.
In Jesus’ Name,
Now it’s Your Turn
- If you need encouragement, think of two people with whom you can share that need and make a plan to do so.
- Look for people in your life to encourage.
More from the Girlfriends
Encouragement is like a boomerang. When thrown correctly, it will come back to you. Godly encouragement does not wait for an invitation to work. It looks for the opportunity to work.
More from the Girlfriends
Perfect for personal or small group study, this book addresses every decision you make - and teaches you how to make those decisions as you step out in faith and trust God.
Be sure to check out the FREE MP3s on Mary’s website and connect with Mary through email or on Facebook.
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