Girlfriends in God

The View from Here - Girlfriends in God - August 30, 2017

August 30, 2017
The View From Here
Gwen Smith

Today’s Truth

How Awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth. (Psalm 47:2)

Friend to Friend

A few years ago, my husband, Brad, and I celebrated 20 years of marriage by taking a trip to several cities, far away. We planned our days and painstakingly plotted touring strategies in order to see the sites, view the views, eat the foods, experience the local charms and soak in the unfamiliar cultures as best we could. Each city boasted different personalities and attractions, but one thing was consistent about our approach in every location: we climbed to high places.

And. We. Climbed.

We climbed and we climbed... thousands of steps. I kid you not! We climbed up creaky, dusty, windy staircases of old cathedrals and up small steps in tall buildings. We climbed fancy-schmancy staircases in opulent castles, up ancient stone staircases in an arena, up earthen lava trails on the sides of a dormant volcano and up steep, grassy paths on scenic hills.

Every ascent was both an adventure and a challenge. The rewards of each strenuous climb, however, were breath-taking views that gave us a bigger picture of the locations we were visiting. We saw beauty and grandeur. We gained clarity and focus. We got fresh perspectives. It was awesome.

Have you ever looked out an airplane window and seen the world from above the clouds? Have you ever taken in mountain hike views or climbed to the top of a lighthouse?

High places are incredible. They’re humbling because they show how small we are in light of this grand earth… and in light of the massive galaxy that echoes the majesty of our Creator.

God is El Elyon, the Lord Most High. The highest of all things high! The psalmist said it this way, “How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth.” (Psalm 47:2)

God is all-knowing, all-powerful, glorious and full of splendor.

He. Is. Awesome!

So, how should knowing this – and knowing Him – affect our day-to-day views?

Our perspectives change when we look up and climb to the sacred chambers of the Most High God. Think about the way your mindset changes when you get a fresh perspective.

Maybe you have a few heart burdens or disappointments that are keeping you from high views. We all find our place discouraged at times. Psalm 123:1-2 says, “To you I lift up my eyes, O you who are enthroned in the heavens!Behold, as the eyes of servants
look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maidservant to the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes look to the Lord our God, till he has mercy upon us.” (ESV)

The Hebrew word for “lift” is nasa’ meaning, “to lift, bear up, carry, take.” So when we look up, bear up, carry up and take up our concerns to God His mercy meets with us.

God meets us with mercy because He loves us.

But… we still have challenges and they weigh us down. And our burdens shouldn’t keep us from climbing to high places – to the highest place – but they often do. They keep us from experiencing the mercy and help of God as they consume our mind with low and discouraging thoughts.

How can we connect our low or average life places to God’s highest place… to the place of His grace… His power… His provision… His love… His forgiveness… His rest?

We can ask God for help.

We can be still before Him, confess our sins, remember that He is God and we are not.

We can ask Him for the courage we need to move forward in His strength.

When Brad and I wanted to get a better view we climbed. It required intentional effort. We took step after step until we reached the top and each climb met us with a beautiful reward.

The distance between our low, dim-viewed living and the high places we are invited to experience in Christ will only change if we climb. When we look up, God lifts us up… and the view from the top is always incredible.

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, Thank you for reminding me that You are the Most High God! Help me to climb beyond my discouragements and challenges toward Your provision and help.

In Jesus’ Name,


Now It’s Your Turn

Read Psalm 47 and a write a prayer response in your journal. {If you are not the journaling type, then visit my blog to post a prayer response or swing by my Facebook page.}

More from the Girlfriends

C’MON OVER! I’VE GOT A GIFT FOR YOU! Since we are rebuilding our home after a house fire I figured I’d also rebuild my cyber home—my website. Why not? I’m already going a bit crazy. Might as well go all in! My home is still several months away from being livable, but my website is all ready to move in. I’d love for you to come by for a visit. I’ve got the welcome mat out just for you! I can’t serve you coffee and brownies, but I can offer you another goodie that’s even better…a 25% OFF coupon. And you don't even need to take your shoes off. Use the COUPON CODE NEW25 and enjoy 25% OFF any purchase of $20 or more from the new store!

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