Girlfriends in God Daily Devotional for Women

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Always Remember This One Truth - Girlfriends in God - August 6, 2018

August 6, 2018
Always Remember This One Truth
Gwen Smith

Today’s Truth

But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you (Psalm 56:3, ESV).

Friend to Friend

Each day brings fresh possibilities and opportunities for us to trust God. As I think of what lies ahead today I’m reminded of a trust lesson God taught me long ago…

Our arms were braided across each other’s and our hands were locked tightly. As the young girl stood on the tall tree stump above us she looked over her shoulder and saw with her eyes that our formation was tight...that we were ready for her. She heard with her ears that we would catch her...that we would not let her get hurt. Yet the fear that screamed in her head told her not to do it. Not to fall backwards.           

Her legs shook and lips quivered. Other campers had gone before her. She and her cabin mates had successfully caught each one. But this camper hesitated – allowing the looming possibilities of failure and pain to paralyze her from action. The risks just seemed too great.          

She trembled.           

We encouraged.           

She cried.          

We encouraged.           

Then, finally, with determination in her heart, she took the plunge. She fell straight backwards onto the safety net of our arms. We bent low to the ground giving way to her fall and caught her with cheers of excitement.

She did it!

As her trembling legs regained their confidence, she stood tall and beamed from ear to ear – realizing that she had faced her fear. Joy was felt from heart to heart as each of us rejoiced with her. Mission accomplished.

Early in the day, we had trekked across the campgrounds to the “Trust Fall station” as a group of counselors and campers who didn’t have a shared experience among us, an unconnected strand of strangers. Now our wooded team-building time had come to an end and we left the trust fall station having bonded deeply as a group of new girlfriends prepared for a fresh journey of fun and adventure.           

Each of us took turns at the trust fall that day. We all faced a set of scary circumstances and were forced to work through our doubts, tremblings and fears. As a result, we learned valuable lessons and strengthened our relationships.          

Since my days of being a camp counselor, I’ve faced many scary life trust falls: financial trials, relationship strains, relocations, sick loved ones, loss and difficult family matters. I’ve trembled and I’ve cried. I’ve been paralyzed by “what ifs” and “whys.” We all go through difficult seasons and trials; times when we want to see the invisible arms of the One who says He will catch us; times when we are afraid to fall into them.           

Wherever you go and whatever you face, God is with you – yesterday, today and forever. He bids us to live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). He wants us to trust Him. He catches us when we trust fall, when we live by faith. And to encourage us along the way, He spurs us on by sending a cloud of witnesses who testify of His faithfulness. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”  (Hebrews 12:1).           

Today, whether you identify with the shaky young camper on the trust fall stump or with the cabin mates who were filled with encouragement for another, God wants you to trust Him... right where you are. It might be scary. Tears might be shed. But God is faithful and can be trusted.           

Like the Psalmist, let’s choose to say, “But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?” (Psalm 56:3-4)           

When we trust fall from our struggles into the faithful arms of God, we are freed from the fears that paralyze us. Trust Him today, friend. I’m cheering for you.

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, You are good, loving and faithful – and You know exactly what I’m facing. Please take this burden from me. Help me to fall into a deeper place of trusting you.

In Jesus’ Name, 


Now It’s Your Turn

What is God asking you to trust Him in or through right now? Spend a few moments praying about it. Then write about it in your journal or leave a comment on my blog about what God is calling you to trust Him with.

More from the Girlfriends

 We’re pleased to announce the new GRACEOLOGY with Gwen Smith podcast! Hang out with Gwen and friends when you go on walks, exercise, run errands or travel. Podcasts are also perfect to listen to as you do household chores! (Laundry anyone?) Each GRACEOLOGY with Gwen Smith podcast episode is filled with fun, faith-focused, grace-filled conversations that will help you know and trust God more. These discussions are going to encourage you in meaningful ways to live out and lean on the GRACE of Jesus in the midst of cluttered, messy days. CLICK HERE to listen on iTunes, or visit for more information. Seeking God?

Click here to learn more about hosting a Girlfriends in God conference in your area or having one of the GiGs speak at your next women's event.

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