Girlfriends in God

Girlfriends in God - Dec. 3, 2007


December 3, 2007

Gifts for Jesus

Sharon Jaynes




Today’s Truth

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.” 2 Corinthians 5:15 NIV


Friend to Friend

Imagine for a moment, that you have never heard the Christmas story and you visit a shopping mall on December 22. You listen to the music being played over the intercom system and eavesdrop on a few shoppers’ conversations. Next, you stop by a greeting card shop and browse through the rows and rows of red and green envelopes with cards sporting colorful and comical messages. Window displays grab your attention, enticing you with promises of low prices for the last minute shoppers. Stress-laden faces rush by carrying stacks of boxes in various shapes and sizes. What conclusions would you draw about the event that culminates on December 25?


Much has changed since the God of the universe decorated the night sky with the star of Bethlehem and directed the choir of angels in a chorus announcing the birth of Our Savior, Jesus Christ. But the commercialism doesn’t have to rule in our hearts and homes. This year, let’s focus on the Christ Child and remember the true meaning of the holiday season. As we turn our eyes to the Babe in the manger, we will not view Christmas as a dreaded obligation or a major retail event. It will be a time of joyous celebration, honoring the One Who came to give us eternal life and reconcile fallen mankind to our Heavenly Father.


One way to celebrate a Christ Centered Christmas is to make sure to include Jesus on your gift list this year. Whoever heard of going to a birthday celebration and everyone receiving a present except the birthday child? How would you, as a parent, feel if you had a birthday celebration for your child and everyone received a present except your child? As strange as that may seem, most of us do that every year. This Christmas, let’s make the “guest of honor” the first person on our gift list.


But the problem is, what do you give the “Man who has everything?” You give Him your heart, your obedience, your love, your anger, your bitterness. You give Him a commitment to spend more time with Him, love your husband better, pray for your children more. Why, he even takes our burdens and accepts them as precious gifts!


This Christmas, think of something you would like to give Jesus for His birthday!


My Gift

By Christian G. Rossetti


What can I give Him,

Poor as I am?

If I were a shepherd

I would give Him a lamb.

If I were a wise man,

I would do my part.

But what can I give Him?

I will give Him my heart.


Let’s Pray

Happy birthday Jesus. I’m so glad you came to dwell among us. We celebrate your birth, your life, and your great sacrifice. You are our most precious Christmas gift, and now, we humbly give our hearts to you.

In Your Name,



Now It’s Your Turn

Think about what you would like to give Jesus for His birthday this year. In our home, we write what we want to give Jesus on small pieces of paper, place the papers in a small box, and wrap it in Christmas paper. No one knows what the others wrote. It is between Jesus and the giver. Then I place the gift by the nativity on Christmas morning.


More from the Girlfriends

For more ideas of how to keep Jesus the focus of the holiday season, see Sharon’s book, Celebrating a Christ Centered Christmas. It is a beautiful hardcover book with lovely photographs. A perfect gift for the person who has everything and one size fits all!



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