Girlfriends in God - Feb. 2, 2007
February 2, 2007
The Gift of Prayer
Today's Truth
I Thessalonians 5:17 (NIV) “Pray continually.”
Friend to Friend
Even as a baby, our son, Jered, has always loved the outdoors. We lived in sunny
Many of you are great conversationalists. When you meet someone new, you find it easy to talk with them, establishing a relationship within minutes. Others are not so eloquent. We may be a little shy or withdrawn so that when we meet someone new, we touch on a new subject, like testing a hot iron, and we are out of there! Even those who are great at meeting people tend to keep things on a surface level, talking about the weather, kids, jobs, etc. We don’t usually start a conversation with, “Hi! It is so good to meet you. Could you tell me how much you weigh?” Everyone knows that is breaking the rules and may result in a sharp, painful blow to the body. We keep the conversation on safe ground until the relationship can handle a deeper level.
Sadly, some of us have never gotten past the “safe” level of conversation with God. We thank Him for food, ask Him to heal those who are sick and then proceed to give Him our list of requests and demands. The Father wants so much more than that!
While it is a wonderful privilege to share our requests with God, what He really wants is our heart conversation. He wants to know what is going on in your soul – not because He doesn’t know but because He wants to be with you and interact with you. Praying continually not only means to pray silently, but to pray out loud, talking with Him like you talk with a close friend. Praying out loud involves every sense and solidifies an awareness of His presence. I pray out loud about everything from a parking space to the greatest crisis in my life. I have found that an ongoing conversation with God makes Him more real to me and deepens my relationship with Him. God never meant praying to be a burden but rather the most wonderful privilege of life. Don’t miss this precious gift to you from God. He is waiting, listening for your voice!
Let's Pray
Lord, I want to know you more. I truly want my prayer life to be as natural to me as breathing. Help me to learn how to pray, to share everything with you honestly and openly. By faith, I thank you for hearing me and loving me. Thank you for the gift of prayer. Amen.
Now it's Your Turn
- Learn to recognize prayer as a privilege – not a burden.
- Examine honestly the growth of your prayer life over the last year. Has your prayer life grown and if so, how?
- Think back over the last month. What prayers has God answered?
- Make the commitment – right now - to make continual prayer a heart habit.
More from the Girlfriends
One of the most amazing gifts in my life is a group of ladies who are committed to pray for me each and every day. When a storm hits, I race to my computer and email them, asking for prayer. They pray for my family, for each speaking engagement and every word of every book I write. Prayer really is a gift from God. Accept it today!
For more on this topic, see Mary’s book, Escaping the Stress Trap.
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