Girlfriends in God Daily Devotional for Women

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Empowered - Girlfriends in God - February 5, 2021

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February 5, 2021
Lisa Morrone

Today’s Truth
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” (Acts 1:8a NIV)

Friend to Friend
Many years ago, I had boarded a plane headed for home. It had been a long week and I was worn out. Even so, as made my way down the aisle to find my seat, I prayed for the Lord to give me the energy I needed should He have a divine appointment for me in the form of my seatmate.

I settled into my seat and situated my things to prepare for the flight ahead of me. As passengers patiently waited for the plane to begin taxiing for takeoff, my seatmate—a woman about my age—turned to me and began asking the typical “getting to know you” questions: Are you traveling for business or pleasure? Where do you live? What do you do?

Each time, I answered her questions rather succinctly. It was at this point when the Holy Spirit nudged me to continue this conversation with my inquisitive seatmate. “So, what do you do for a living?” I asked.

I teach pole dancing, she cheerfully replied.

“Interesting, and what drew you to that avenue of employment?” I queried. Her answer was unexpected and eye-opening: I believe the art and practice of pole dancing is truly empowering for women.

At that very moment, the direction of this divinely ordained conversation became clear to me.

This world has often stripped power and respect from women, but Jesus came, in part, to restore power, dignity, and a rightful place in society for women of all walks of life. From the sexually promiscuous woman at the well; to the adulterous woman who was facing an angry crowd ready to stone her; to the wealthy women who traveled with Jesus, funding His ministry; and to the ones who were the first to discover and proclaim that He had risen from the tomb—every woman’s encounter with Jesus left her empowered.

One by one, I began to share these historical accounts with my seatmate. I was excited to show my seatmate that her need to feel empowered was common to all women. During Jesus’ time on Earth, He purposed to empower women at a time in history when women were considered to be second class citizens. I ended my history lesson that afternoon with this summary: Jesus sees women, He singles out women, He empowers women, and He performs powerful works through women.

Unlike the women in the Bible who interacted with Jesus face-to-face, today Jesus empowers you and I through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” (Acts 1:8a NIV)

Maybe you’ve been feeling less than powerful lately. I caution you not to seek the avenues the world says will make you feel more powerful: High position, wealth, sexual desirability, physical strength, or the ability to persuade or control others. Simply lean into your God-empowered womanhood and live boldly before Him, because you, girlfriend, are filled with Holy Spirit POWER!

Let’s Pray
Lord, I confess that many times I find myself feeling powerless, overwhelmed, under-utilized, and, on occasion, buried under my own insecurities. Remind me each day that you see me, that I am filled with the Holy Spirit’s power and that I am capable of doing far greater things here on earth than I’ve ever dreamed of.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Now It's Your Turn
Think about an area in your life where you feel you’re lacking in power. Worrisome thoughts, poor self-control, shame, financial fretting? Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His Truth to you regarding your area of struggle. Now what can you begin doing today with your God-given girl power?

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girlfriends in god, gigMaybe you feel powerless in the face of overeating. Try as you might, you always seem to lose this battle. Lisa book, Overcoming Overeating, It’s Not What You Eat, It’s What Eats You, will help you identify and heal from the emotional and spiritual strongholds which have been defeating you time and again.

Lisa is passionate about helping us Girlfriends keep ourselves spiritually and physically healthy! Click over to her website to sign up for her weekly Monday Morning Health Tips!

© 2021 by Lisa Morrone, PT. All rights reserved.

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