Being Part of The Family - Girlfriends in God - February 9, 2021
February 9, 2021
Being Part of The Family
Wendy Speake
Today’s Truth
He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love
(Song of Solomon 2:4, ESV)
Friend to Friend
When I was a child, I sang a simple chorus in Sunday school that was based on the Today’s Truth. The song filled my imagination with thoughts of family, belonging, and good food. I imagined that every meal in heaven would be like Easter, with our Risen Savior seated at the head of the table. I liked to think about what heavenly desserts would be like, and I wondered how many people could fit around that table, and what we would talk about.
Though other Scriptures have added to my growing understanding of heaven, I still love the thought of God intimately preparing a place for me, one that includes a banquet hall, a table, and good food. How about you? Have you said yes to Christ’s loving invitation to sit with Him, dine with Him, and spend time with Him? Christ’s invitation isn’t simply to believe, but to draw near to the One you believe in.
A couple of years ago, my husband and I took a trip to Israel. On the banks of the Sea of Galilee, in the village of Capernaum, we stood beside the ruins of an ancient Jewish home. Its outer walls were long and made of stones, forming one massive square. Inside the home were smaller rooms. Looking carefully, we could clearly see how the home had originally been divided into four large living spaces, and then subdivided each time a child or a grandchild took a wife and started a family of their own. They didn’t build a new house when new additions to the family arrived; they prepared a new place within the family house.
In the same way, we’ve all been invited into God’s household through faith. And Christ, the firstborn of many brothers and sisters, went into His Father’s house ahead of us to prepare places for us to dwell with Him. Dividing His inheritance, Christ made a place for each one of us deep within those innermost chambers, and He set a seat at His table for us as well. How wonderful, how intimate, how inviting!
He said, “My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” (John 14:2, NIV).
Jesus didn’t go ahead of us to prepare a home for us next door to his, but a room within His home. Suddenly the banqueting table represents much more than sweet treats. My imagination is more alive than ever; I hear the sound of laughter and storytelling rising in our forever-home with its many, many, many rooms.
If Christ died to save me for an eternity with Him, I imagine He wants to spend it intimately with me. But why wait until heaven to enjoy His presence? If we are going to enjoy face-to-face conversations with our Savior for eternity, shouldn’t we start enjoying Him now?
Lent, the season leading up to Easter, is a wonderful time to practice the reality of our intimate relationship with Christ our Savior (and our brother) on this side of glory.
I do love to dream about my forever future with Him, but I know that I don’t have to wait another day to pull up a chair and enjoy His fellowship! We can talk with Him now, as we would a family member seated across the table.
Let’s Pray
Lord, You are really truly here. You aren’t far off and waiting for me. You are closer than a brother. You’ve invited me to the banqueting table of heaven, but I don’t want to wait for heaven to enjoy You. Your banner over me is love… today.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
What would it look like for you to accept a chair at God’s banqueting table today and enjoy the feast of His presence now? Would you consider fasting from your online conversations in order to enjoy the quiet correspondence with Christ? How about making that your focus this Lent?
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© 2021 by Wendy Speake. All rights reserved.