Girlfriends in God Daily Devotional for Women

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Girlfriends in God - Jan. 30, 2012


January 30 
God is the God of Lost Things
Sharon Jaynes

Today’s Truth
“And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’ In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents,” (Luke 15:9 NIV).

Friend to Friend
It was New Year’s Eve. Steve and I had shared a wonderful meal with friends and then circled a table for a feisty card game called Shanghi. As I reached to pick up my first hand, I noticed a void in my wedding ring. “Oh no,” I cried, “Part of my wedding ring is missing. One of the diamonds is gone!”

My wedding ring (which I received on our twentieth anniversary) has one diamond solitaire in the middle with two little triangles, called trillions, on each side. It was one of the settings for the triangle that lay empty.

My mind retraced my steps through the day. I had cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed the house, and crafted two new upholstered pillows for the living room sofa. I envisioned the little triangular diamond going down the drain, sucked up in the vacuum cleaner, or sewn into the inside of a pillow. Of course we retraced my steps at our friend’s home, but most likely it had fallen out before I got there.

On New Year’s Day, I woke up thinking about the diamond and chatting with God about it. “Lord, I know this is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but would you please help me find that sliver of diamond?”

I got up, fixed a cup of coffee, and decided to go up stairs and look in the very messy, beige carpeted, sewing room. A haystack if there ever was one. Of course stuck in a haystack is better than going down a drain.

As I turned to go up the wooden steps of the stairs, I saw a tiny sliver of sparkle. You guessed it! The little trillion sat poised as if placed by a Holy Hand. I believe it was. A Sudden Glory!

You know, sometimes God answers a prayer and remains anonymous, or hidden. We wonder…could that have been Him?

And then sometimes He is so obvious you know that you know that He has intervened in your life in a very real and miraculous way.

“Do you think God cares about diamonds?” Steve asked.

“I think He cares about lost things?” I replied.

The next day, I took the diamond to the jewelers to have it reset. “How in the world did you find this little thing?” the Jewish Jeweler asked. So I told him.

Let’s Pray
Dear God, thank You for caring about the little things in my life. There are no coincidences. There is no luck. You are in it all.
In Jesus’ Name,

Now It’s Your Turn
Have you ever lost anything and asked God to help you find it?

Did you suddenly realize where it was?

Did you find it in a strange place?

Hmmm. How do you think that happened?

Read Matthew 17:24- 27. How in the world did that coin end up in that fish’s mouth?
Is that a fun story or what!

Would you like to see the little diamond on the step? I took a picture to help me remember the God of Lost Things. You can see it on my facebook page at

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