Let’s Choose to Welcome the New Year with Hope - Girlfriends in God - January 10, 2022
January 10, 2022
Let’s Choose to Welcome the New Year with Hope
Holley Gerth
Today’s Truth
The Lord will protect your coming and going both now and forever (Psalm 121:8, CSB).
Friend to Friend
The airport is crowded this morning. As I wait for my flight, I watch the parade of people. Disgruntled teenagers with caps pulled down over their eyes trailing behind determined parents. Bright-eyed couples holding hands with the honeymoon sun still on their faces. A group of grey-headed ladies in pink matching t-shirts laughing and exchanging stories while they sip coffee. I wonder about all of them. Where have they come from? Where are they going?
I realize all over again in that moment God knows the answers. He sees every detail of our lives. He’s been with us in every step we’ve ever taken. And as we welcome a new year, this reassures me because none of us knows what’s ahead.
There are certain to be blessings and moments of happiness. There will also be hard days and tears shed. Some parts of our lives will stay much the same and others, like it or not, will inevitably change.
A blond little girl in pigtails walks by with a stuffed brown bear in her arms. Seeing her reminds me of the first time I flew by myself. I was only five years old when I marched up to the ticket counter with a little red suitcase in hand to tell the amused airline employee the plane needed to come so I could go see my Grandma. My parents observed from close by and made sure every bit of the trip was in order. These days I carry a leopard print laptop bag, and I’ve flown away from my comfort zone many times. But on the inside, that younger self and I still have much in common. We want to know we’re safe, we’re loved.
We’re going to be okay. That’s what gives us the courage to pick up our bag and go.
Psalm 121:8 says, “The Lord will protect your coming and going both now and forever.” This is mysterious to me because difficult things happen, people get sick, and life doesn’t always work out the way I planned. But even if I don’t understand them fully, these words offer hope because it means whatever may transpire, God is still taking care of me.
Three hundred and sixty thousand people will arrive on this earth through birth today. One hundred and fifty thousand will depart. The other seven billion of us will go about our business—catching flights, rocking babies, showing up for work, and eating fudge cake. And God will watch over it all. Every coming and going. Every beginning and end. Every dream come true and heartbreak. He has done this for all of history. He is doing so today. He will continue every day of this new year. Yes, every day of our whole lives.
We may not know what is ahead of us, but we can be absolutely certain of Who is with us. We are not random passengers, nameless and unknown in the crowd of humanity. We are beloved children of the God who breathed life into our lungs and who numbers every hair on our heads. So let’s go boldly into a new year with the confidence that all things are possible and, in the end, all will be well.
Let’s Pray
Dear God, thank You for being with me through this holiday season and into the new year. I’m so grateful You are my hope and help. You will give me everything I need for whatever is ahead. I choose to trust and believe that You have good plans for me. You are with me, for me, and working out Your purposes in my life today and always. With You, the best is yet to be. I love You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
What is one thing you’re hoping for this new year? Write it down or spend time in prayer, bringing it to the Lord, our true Hope.
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