Girlfriends in God

It’s a God Thing! - Girlfriends in God - January 18, 2017

January 18, 2017
It’s a God Thing!
Mary Southerland

Today’s Truth

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1a, NIV).

Friend to Friend

Faith is the quiet certainty that God keeps His promises. If you are like me, you don’t like to wait on God with “quiet certainty.” We see a need, and instead of seeking God’s wisdom and timing, we make a plan we think will meet that need and then, with earthly resources, make sure the plan is executed. As a result, we often settle for so much less than God had in mind.

Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope (Ephesians 3:20, NLT).

Many children seem to possess the “quiet certainty” that God is able. The prayer life of a child is often powerful as they dare to pray big prayers, asking God to do the impossible.

Christmas was just around the corner when we decided to go home for the holidays. We lived in South Florida at the time and rarely had the opportunity or finances to fly to Texas where Dan and I were both raised and our families still lived.

Everyone was excited, especially Jered and Danna. While they looked forward to seeing all of their aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins, they were more excited about seeing snow for the first time. The only problem was that snow was not in the Texas forecast. In fact, it was supposed to be unusually warm.

Danna and Jered would not be deterred. Nothing we said convinced them that there would be no snow for Christmas. Every night, they prayed, asking God to let it snow in Texas. They told all of their friends and anyone who would listen that they were going to Texas for Christmas and that it was going to snow. I gave up, planning what I would say to our children when it did not snow. Yes, it would be a hard lesson, but life is filled with hard lessons.

Our plane landed and we were met with hugs and kisses from my sister and brother-in-law…but no snow. It didn’t matter. Jered and Danna were ready. Betty and Carey fielded a barrage of “snow questions” as we claimed our baggage and started home.  Interestingly enough, it did seem colder the closer we got to Fort Worth. In fact, by the time we arrived, it was just plain cold - but certainly not cold enough to snow.

As Dan and I unpacked suitcases, the kids squealed with delight at the Christmas tree, the gifts underneath, the homemade fudge…and the snow! “Everybody, come see the snow!” they shouted. Dan and I looked at each other, smiled, and continued unpacking, realizing that it was time for the “sometimes God says no” conversation.

Suddenly, my usually rational sister appeared in the doorway of our bedroom, eyes big as saucers. “You are not going to believe this!” she said. The kids had obviously brainwashed her. Dan and I played along, following her to the living room where both Jered and Danna were plastered against the sliding glass door, watching giant snowflakes gently fall, their faith on display for all to see.

Over the years, I have often relived that moment, cherishing the lesson I learned that day. God is able!  Even when everything seems wrong and everyone shouts “impossible,” He is able. We can always rest in the fact that God is God and that He is able to meet every need in ways we cannot begin to imagine.

Miracles should be a daily occurrence. “God things” should be the norm if we truly know and abide in Christ. I hear from hundreds of women each week whose lives have been shattered against a measurable faith. Living in human power is consuming and futile, but living in God’s power is replenishing and filled with purpose.

God stands ready to pour His power in and through us to a world filled with hurting, wounded and hopeless people. All of His power is at our disposal, yet we are satisfied to live day in and day out, in a miracle-less existence filled with results that can be understood in human terms.

I desperately want to live in such a way that one day, I can look back in wonder at all of the “God things” He did in and through my life. I pray that those who come behind me will celebrate an ordinary life that was lived in extraordinary ways and is explainable only through a power man can neither produce nor comprehend – God’s power.

Let’s Pray

Father, I come to You, desperately needing Your power and Your strength. Help me learn to recognize Your work in my daily life. I celebrate the fact that You are able and willing to perform miracles when I step out in faith and trust You.

In Jesus’ Name,


Now It’s Your Turn

Can you believe that the clean slate of 2017 is just ahead? A new beginning and a fresh start! However, what did we learn in 2016 that will make a difference in the weeks and months ahead? As the holiday season winds down, I pray that you will see the New Year through eyes of faith. Guard your heart and mind against darkness. Stand firm in God’s power and presence. He is faithful and He is sufficient for whatever tomorrow brings.

More from the Girlfriends

Need help facing the uncertainty of a new year? Mary’s books, 10-Day Trust Adventure and Fit for Life, will help you learn how to truly trust God and become spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically fit. This two-book package is a powerful tool for living a life of victory.

Be sure to check out the FREE MP3s on Mary’s website and connect with Mary through email or on Facebook.

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