Celebrating Your Security in Your Eternity - Girlfriends in God - January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
Celebrating Your Security in Your Eternity
Barb Roose
Today’s Truth
You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever (Psalm 16:11 NLT).
Friend to Friend
On a layover in Dallas, I settled into a seat to enjoy some chocolate frozen yogurt with chocolate-peanut butter candies on top. As I scooped the last bite of my treat, a gentleman sitting next to me asked how long our flight was delayed. I had to listen carefully to understand his Mexican-infused English. After I answered his question, he wanted to keep talking. Now, when one is in the airport, there are lots of topics that people can discuss. Usually, it’s our destination, travel nightmare stories or family. However, this man wanted to talk about something different. He wanted to talk about death.
He grabbed one of the two cell phones sitting in front of him to show me the pictures of his nineteen-year-old nephew’s recent funeral. Even though I could only understand every few words he spoke, each picture lived up to their proverbial thousand words of communication, speaking volumes to me about life, sadness, family, and grief.
The man showed me photos and videos of his young, strong nephew riding a horse in Mexico, helping with a construction project on their family property, and a poignant photo of the young nephew carrying the coffin of his grandfather as a pallbearer, only two months before his untimely death. Then, the man showed me photos of the young man’s funeral. My heart wept at the images of such an intimate family heartache.
As he showed me the photos, the one that seemed most precious was a screenshot of a certificate from his family’s Mexican church. I couldn’t understand all the words on the certificate, but I could make out just enough to know that the document affirmed the young man’s destination in heaven upon his death. That brought tremendous hope to the man as I pointed to it in the photo. It was one of the few times that he smiled during our conversation.
God has created us with an awareness, even a longing for eternity after this life is over. While death is devastating, God has always had a divine plan to give us victory over the sting and despair of death.
Centuries before Jesus was born, King David wrote about the Messiah in the book of Psalms. Today’s Truth records King David’s proclamation in Psalm 16 that God hasn’t just prepared for our rescue from sin, but He wants to show us the way of life that leads to eternity with Him. That way of life begins in Jesus Christ and it isn’t something that we need to earn, only receive as a gift from God.
David’s words remind us that God desires a relationship with us. God didn’t send Jesus to save us and then ignore us until we get to heaven. No! God desires to lead us and guide us by His side until we enter the lasting joy of eternity. He gave us the Holy Spirit to show us the way to peace and purpose while we’re here on earth.
King David wrote about the Messiah that you don’t have to fear death, nor do you have to figure out life and eternity on your own.
Death is scary, but it doesn’t have to be when you remember that Jesus is your Savior, now and forever. My friend, you have security in your eternity when Jesus is your Savior and Lord. This is the lasting, powerful, and life-giving hope that you can hold onto today!
Now It’s Your Turn
When you think about death, what are some fears that come to mind? How does life eternal with God change your perspective on death?
Let’s Pray
God, thank You for creating a plan long ago to take the sting out of death through Your divine plan of salvation. Even as we mourn pain and death on earth, we are grateful for the promise of an eternity free from pain and death with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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© 2023 by Barb Roose. All rights reserved.
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