Girlfriends in God

Choose to Live an Abundant Life - Girlfriends in God - June 6, 2022

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June 6, 2022
Choose to Live an Abundant Life

Mary Southerland

Today’s Truth

“My purpose is to give life in all its fullness” (John 10:10 TLB).

Friend to Friend

I have discovered some wonderful advantages of growing older. Honestly, I can get away with so much more than I could when I was younger – and I love it! 

Like many of you, I have paid some heavy life dues. I am enjoying a refreshing freedom in what I say and do - as long as I say and do it in love and with integrity before God. 

I am flat-out amazed by the fact that people value my advice. They actually think I know what I am doing. Hilarious! I know! 

But I am thrilled to share some of the God-truths I have learned along the way. I’m also free to occasionally respond with a hearty “I don’t have a clue what you should do.” No guilt. No shame. Just being real.

Yes, I have aches and pains that I really could do without, but that is why God has gifted doctors and counselors - because He knew we would need them. We live in broken bodies. Our world is broken. But until Jesus returns, I know He wants my feet to hit the floor each morning, ready to face and delight in the fullness of the life God created me to live.

Jesus said, “My purpose is to give life in all its fullness” (John 10:10 TLB). 

One of my current personal life goals is to royally tick off Satan whenever I can. Some days, his feeble tactics make me laugh and I respond with, “Seriously, that’s it? That’s all you’ve got?” 

Other days, I am on my face before God asking for strength to withstand the demonic attacks of hell itself. Either way, I win. I have read the whole Book, and we win! 

My audience for this race of life has certainly changed. I no longer give credence to those people who delight in leering at me through the fishbowl, waiting and watching for me to fall and fail so they can feel better about their own faults and failures. 

Those people are not my audience. God is my audience – and He is crazy about me, cheering me on. Angels dance simply because I exist. I am God’s creation – and so are you. 

We have choices to make with every passing season of life. 

We can hang on to past accomplishments, using them as an excuse to sit and sour, or we can seek God, asking Him to use us in His Kingdom work. 

We can rise each day to dance with joy simply because we know Him and He knows us, or we can focus on what is wrong in our lives and be miserable. 

We can sing at the top of our lungs that God is more than enough for whatever comes our way, or we can sing the blues. 

We can choose to give Him praise – even when it seems like there is nothing for which to praise Him, or we can sit down and let fear trample us in the dust of Satan’s hissings. 

We can grow old in body, mind, and spirit, or we can serve Him with passion and purpose until we take our last breath. 

What about you? Are you living each day to the fullest? Jesus is all about living an abundant life in the here and now … no matter how young or old you are. Eternity began the moment you submitted your life to Him.  

Someone once said that life is not measured by the number of breaths that we take but by the moments that take our breath away. Let’s do this thing called life and let’s do it right! 

Let’s Pray

Father, I do not want to stop living the life of purpose You created me to live. I choose to ignore those who would tell me to give up. I stand against the enemy who seduces me to quit the race when the obstacles seem impossible to overcome. No! I turn to You, Lord! I depend on You! I celebrate You, God! Until You come, I am Yours, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Now It’s Your Turn

If you could choose one word to describe your life journey so far, what would it be? Explain. 

What one commitment do you need to make today in order to live the life of purpose God created you to live? 

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Mary Southerland headshotNew! Mary’s heart is to train and coach women in ministry. Be sure to check out her new Zoom coaching ministry, Friends for the Journey.

© 2022 by Mary Southerland. All rights reserved.

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