Girlfriends in God

I Love My Job! - Girlfriends in God - March 14, 2022

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March 14, 2022
I Love My Job!
Mary Southerland

Today’s Truth

She works with eager hands (Proverbs 31:13b NIV).

Friend to Friend

I have had many jobs over the years. I started babysitting when I was twelve years old. In high school, I worked in a clothing store, as an aid for my choral director, and as a recruiter for an employment agency. In college, I was a secretary for the president of our social science honors program and often gave tours to visiting dignitaries. Some jobs I liked more than others but working in an insurance office when my husband attended seminary was my least favorite of all.

Our attitude about our work will determine the success of our work. No job is perfect, and no workplace is always wonderful, but we can learn to choose our inner attitude about our work regardless of the outer circumstances of our workplace. Like this woman, we can learn to train our heart and choose our attitude about our work.

The author of Ecclesiastes 2:10 writes, “My heart took delight in all my work, and this was the reward for all my labor.” Joy in work can be found when we look for it. The Proverbs 31 woman chose an attitude that guaranteed success in her work. The right attitude in any workplace is to view our work as an act of worship to God. This woman’s workplace was an altar upon which she laid her best efforts as an offering of praise.

The story is told of three men who were working on a large building project. “What are you doing?” one of the men was asked. “I’m mixing mortar,” he responded. The second man said, “I’m helping put up this great stone wall.” When the third man was asked, he replied, “I’m building a cathedral to the glory of God.”

We need to understand that what gives work eternal value and makes it successful is not the product or service we offer; it is doing the job faithfully to the glory of God. It doesn’t matter if you close a million-dollar deal or do a million loads of laundry. If you do it unto God as part of your life worship of Him, you are a success.

The apostle Paul was a very successful man whose work ethic is made clear in Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Every customer you serve or every child you hug, every toilet you clean or every deal you close can be an act of worship when it is done for the glory of God.

A survey by the Families and Work Institute found that 70 percent of people in the United States often dream about doing something different for a living. Is finding a different occupation always the solution to job satisfaction, or could the key to successful work be discovering a new approach to the work we already do?

Twice in Colossians 3, Paul used the phrase “whatever you do” as a call for wholehearted service to the Lord. A wholehearted effort is difficult when working for a critical, ungrateful boss. Minimum effort then becomes a response that certainly seems justified under the circumstances. However, when our work is done for Christ and we view Him as our supervisor, we will strive to do our best all of the time.

The boss may sign the paycheck, but the Savior issues our reward. Obviously, it’s not wrong to seek work that fits our skills and interests, but it is pointless to move from one job to another without first settling the issue of who it is that we truly are serving in the workplace. Daily work takes on eternal significance when it is done for God.

Let’s Pray

Father, thank You for the job You have given me. Please help me honor You with the work I do and the attitude with which I do it. Let me see my co-workers as people You have placed in my path to love with Your love. Today, I surrender my job to You, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Now It’s Your Turn

Are you willing to do whatever God asks you to do? Step out in faith and ask God to help you see your workplace as an altar of worship and praise to Him.

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© 2022 by Mary Southerland. All rights reserved.

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