The Right Kind of Fear - Girlfriends in God - March 16, 2022
March 16, 2022
The Right Kind of Fear
Gwen Smith
Today’s Truth
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7 ESV).
Friend to Friend
Proverbs 1:7 tells us, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to be afraid.
Case in point. I was a tween with pimples, long, lanky limbs, and an attitude the summer our family went to Ohio to visit friends who lived on a farm. I didn’t much care if these people were nice. I didn’t much care what activities we would do. It wasn’t the beach, and I was disappointed to be in Ohio for a vacation. (No offense, Ohio people.) But I heard they had horses, and that was enough to calm my grump a bit because I was giddy to ride one. I thought for sure I was born to ride. My cousin Beth had horses, but at that point she hadn’t taken me riding. Finally, I would have my chance.
The sun danced with a summer breeze the morning we journeyed past the barn out into the pasture for our horse adventure. It was the perfect day for an eager girl to do something new and exciting.
I was given instructions then mounted the saddled creature, grabbed the reins and ventured out into the grassy fields. All by my big-tween-girl self.
Freedom met me in the tall grass as Butterscotch and I became fast friends.
We walked. We cantered. We even galloped! I was so good at this!
And then I turned him around, back toward his owner and the barn... and Butterscotch got his run on in a fierce way.
Scared. Me. To. Death.
I didn’t know what to do. I screamed, dropped the reins, and held on to the horn of the saddle for dear life. The owner was waving her hands trying to tell me what to do, but she sounded like Charlie Brown’s teacher, and the moment was blurry mayhem.
Then, when I was sure we would crash into the barn, causing me to meet Jesus way too young, Butterscotch came to a halt.
I was so scared that I collapsed into an ugly cry. Couldn’t even control my emotions. And on that day one thing became crystal clear to me: I do not like to be afraid.
If I see a snake, a mouse, or a spider (generally anything with more or fewer legs than I have), chances are I’m going to run the other way screaming louder than a middle-school girl at an Ariana Grande concert. Why? Because those creatures freak me out. It’s an unsettling kind of fear. And remember? I don’t like to be afraid.
Yet the Bible says we are to fear the Lord. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7 ESV).
How does this make sense?
I’ve come to understand that the fear of the Lord is a good kind of fear; it’s a righteous fear. The best kind. When God says we are to fear Him, He’s saying we are to be in awe of Him, to revere Him as the One who dwells in unapproachable light. To recognize Him as the eternal eminence who sits on the throne of grace and lovingly welcomes us to encounter Him intimately as we worship.
I fear God when I reflect on His greatness, when I whisper, “Good job on that flower, God!” when I trace the jawline of my sleeping daughter and give thanks to the loving Creator who created her.
I fear God by giving Him the honor, esteem, and adoration due Him. In good times and bad.
I fear God by recognizing that He is God, and I’m not.
I fear God by understanding that all the power in heaven and on earth is His. And in doing so, I’m ushered into a fresh beginning. To the greatest resource of power. To a starting gate that opens wide to knowledge, wisdom, and instruction—all of which are worth far more than any understanding this world offers.
The world is a faction of fools who laugh at godly wisdom. It whispers venom to our souls telling us we don’t need God… that we should do what seems right to us… that we answer only to ourselves.
No thank you, world.
The fear of the Lord leads us to wisdom in a beautifully sacred way. And that’s a fear worth running toward full force.
Let’s Pray
Dear Lord, You are holy, powerful and full of grace. I’m sorry for my independence, indifference and stubbornness that keeps me from Your best. Please lead me in Your wisdom today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
What’s one thing you can do to fear the Lord today?
Read Psalm 112:1-4. Write out a prayer of response.
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© 2022 by Gwen Smith. All rights reserved.