Girlfriends in God

​We Need What You Have to Offer - Girlfriends in God - March 30, 2023

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March 30, 2023
We Need What You Have to Offer
Holley Gerth

Today’s Truth

For the Lord is good, and his faithful love endures forever; His faithfulness, through all generations (Psalm 100:5 CSB).

Friend to Friend

Years ago, I attended a tea party in the Fellowship Hall of a small town church about an hour from my home. This is where my parents had their wedding reception, my grandparents had their fiftieth-anniversary party, and great-grandparents held hands in the pews.

On this day the tables are covered in white linen and each place setting includes a vintage china cup, the kind that tempts you to stick your pinky out when you drink from it. The hostesses of this gathering are the lovely members of my Grandma’s Sunday School class, most of whom are now in their eighties.

There is one guest who is a distinct exception to this age range. My granddaughter, Eula (named after my grandmother) is here with her Mama and me. She’s wearing a pink bow and charming everyone. At some point I realize five generations of my family are represented. This is beautiful to me. “For the Lord is good, and his faithful love endures forever; His faithfulness, through all generations” (Psalm 100:5).

We, as humanity, have gone through a difficult time over the past few years. What we’ve faced has made me think more about generations, how we need each one and the gifts they bring.

If you’re in the senior crowd, we need the perspective and resilience you’ve gained from many life experiences. You know what it is to overcome obstacles, make it through challenges, and see God’s hand in history. We long for your encouragement and hard-won wisdom.

To those of us in the middle, let’s not miss the divine hidden among the mundane and ordinary. We can touch a life whether we’re holding a microphone or warming up mac-and-cheese in the microwave. We can show up where we are, as we are, steadily and faithfully. We can remember what’s visible isn’t more valuable.

To those younger, it’s never too early for God to use you. You don’t have to wait to feel ready. We need your optimism and energy, your fresh outlook on the future, and your daring. If you received something yesterday—even five minutes ago—then you have something to give to someone else.

I’m falling in love in a new way with the idea of generations—with the beauty and strength we have when we link arms and stand side-by-side, like a glorious timeline of God’s grace. Together we can look back with gratitude for what God has done and look forward with anticipation for what He has yet to do. And we can each choose to make a difference where we are now, in the season we’re living today, in our kitchen or cubicle, over Zoom, or in a Fellowship Hall.

This is what my heart understands better each year, what I want to pass on, and what I truly believe: We all have something to offer. We all have something to receive. Now, more than ever, we are better together.

Let’s Pray

Dear God, thank You for making each of us in Your image. We’re unique and yet so much better together. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit teach us how to live and love our communities well. Gently show us what You’ve placed inside, what we’ve been given to offer one another for the furthering of Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Now It’s Your Turn 

Are you younger, in the middle, or among the senior crowd? Spend time today considering how you can link arms and encourage someone in another generation this week.

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The Powerful Purpose of Introverts book coverAfter a decade of infertility, God brought Holley Gerth and her husband a twenty-year-old daughter, Lovelle. Many years have gone by since then and Holley is now not only a mom but a mother-in-law and Nana to Eula and Clement. Holley Gerth is also a bestselling author of books like The Powerful Purpose of Introverts: Why the World Needs You to Be You, which help all of us embrace exactly who God created us to be. Want to know how introverted you are? Take Holley’s quick 10-question quiz.

© 2023 by Holley Gerth. All rights reserved.

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