Girlfriends in God

Girlfriends in God - March 7, 2007


March 7, 2007

Getting Good at Being You – part 3

Mary Southerland




Today’s Truth


Luke 13: 10-11 On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years.



Friend to Friend


Always keep a dream in your heart! This woman in Luke (Luke 13) had every reason to give up on God. But where do we find her? In the synagogue! I’m sure she had heard about Jesus Christ. I’m also sure she had tried everything in hopes of finding a cure for her illness. Nothing had worked, but I can almost hear her hopeful thoughts, “Maybe this time!” She was still searching for freedom from her pain, still holding onto hope and still had a dream in her heart. And as she kept hoping and dreaming, a plan emerged. It wasn’t her plan. It was God’s plan born out of His grace and unconditional love for her and out of her heart that refused to let go of a dream.


Many of us live each day without hope and without dreams because we are living the carefully laid plans of man. We are living our plan instead of God’s plan and believe me, girlfriend, God has a unique plan for you.


Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


I know what you are thinking. Great! Sounds nice! But what does that really mean and how do I find this “plan” of God?



1. Know God.

If you know God, you will know His peace, His purpose and His plan for your life. A personal

relationship with God is the first step in getting good at being you – the you God created you to be.


2. Read the Plan Book

The Bible is God’s love letter to you. It is the blueprint for your life and the plan for every step of

your journey.


3. Pray

Prayer is simply conversation between you and God. If it is important to you, it is important to

Him. Pray about every part of your life.


4. Write out a mission statement for your life!


My husband often says, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time!” Let me offer several

questions that might help you to write out a mission statement for your life.


  • What will be the center of my life?

For whom or what am I living? It is never too late to discover and live out God’s plan for

your life. Jesus Christ did a lot in just three years.


  • What will be the character of my life?


God wants to build His character in our lives and He is far more interested in who we are

than in what we do. It’s much easier to attend church than it is to love your irritating

neighbor. It is easier to write a check to the church than invite a person in need into our

homes. I know a man who can quote chapters of the Bible but is mean-spirited.

  • What will be the contribution of my life?

Ask yourself, “What am I doing that really matters? Does it truly count? Where will my

energy and focus have the greatest impact?


  • What will be the communication of my life?

Every life preaches a sermon, whether we want it to or not. People are watching us,

longing to see something they cannot explain. They are searching for “God with skin on”.

What does your life really say?


What “God-sized” dream are you dreaming today? The best part of you has a dream. Don’t be afraid to dream it! Don’t be afraid to live it! And if one dream has died, then dream another, girlfriend! God loves big dreamers! He longs for you to step out in faith, believing what you cannot see. The world says that seeing is believing, but God says that believing is seeing.



Let’s pray


Father, it is amazing to me that You love me so much. And frankly, there are times when I find it hard to believe that you do have a special plan just for me. But, I want to believe it and live it! Please lead me to Your truth for my life. Heal the wounds that keep me from living out that truth. Like the woman in Luke, I choose to have a heart that seeks You and Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen!



Now it’s your turn


We can live our lives – just doing the “next thing” and never discover who we really are and never get to the miraculous plan God has for each one of us. Don’t let that happen to you! Set aside some time for a “silent retreat”. Prayerfully and honestly, consider the questions listed above and come away from your quiet time with a mission statement for your life. Share that mission statement with your family and friends and ask them to hold you accountable for each life-goal you have set. Re-evaluate your progress on a monthly basis.



More from the girlfriends


I want everything God has for me. I want it all. And if someone else doesn’t want what God has for them, Lord, I’ll take theirs, too J Listen, friend, do not let the world or the enemy seduce you into believing that your God has anything less than the very best in store for you. Know that He loves you and will forever have a dream waiting for you to dream. Go for it!



For more on this topic, see Mary’s book, Experiencing God’s Power in Your Ministry. This is not just a book for women who serve on a church staff or who are married to a minister. This is a book for every woman who wants to be all God created her to be.




Girlfriends in God

P.O. Box 725

Matthews, NC 28106