Greater Than Your Doubt is Your God - Girlfriends in God - March 8, 2022
March 8, 2022
Greater Than Your Doubt is Your God
Kelly Balarie
Today’s Truth
But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else” (Exodus 4:13 NIV).
Friend to Friend
Have you ever started a recipe only to realize you are missing that one ingredient?
It’s the worst. Not having all you need to make a dream dinner is a bummer. Do you run to the store, or do you pivot and change course? Half-way through, do you throw up your arms in annoyance or stay calm? One could go either way.
Some of us arrive at a similar place in our journey of faith...
We feel we keep coming up short. We don't have giftings others have. We don't pray like Mary Sue. We feel weak and unsure. We don’t think we will amount to much for God. We don’t believe in ourselves that much. We can't overcome that one sin. We keep fearing and worrying.
Frankly, we feel like we are missing that one ingredient that will get us somewhere good. We can’t easily run out to the store to buy it either, which compounds frustration.
Ever been there? Maybe you are there right now.
May I encourage your heart today? You are not alone. Another biblical-great found himself in this very place: Moses.
The Lord told Moses in Exodus 4:12, “Now go! I will help you as you speak, and I will teach you what to say.”
“Moses replied, ‘Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else’” (Exodus 4:13 NIV).
Here, Moses was essentially saying to God, I don’t have what it takes. I don’t have enough to make up this call of yours, God. Here, Moses decided that he couldn’t speak well, and that God would do well go ahead and pick someone else.
Who decided? Moses. Whose pride spoke over God’s call? Moses.
Moses decided how he would perform, despite God’s calling to equip Him to perform something beyond himself, something supernatural, in the face of his flesh.
How often do we rule ourselves out and decide we are unable before God’s divine enablement shows up to make us able?
No wonder Exodus 4 goes on to tell us that “the Lord’s anger burned against Moses.” Moses was relying on His flesh, rather than his God’s power.
Friends, I don’t want us to make the same mistake that Moses did here. With this, I remind all of us (myself included): there is no fatal flaw in us which God cannot overcome!
Scripture says, "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness (2 Peter 1:3 NIV)."
Hear this loud and clear: His power has given everything we need for life. We have all the godliness (the righteousness and overcoming power) we so desperately need.
Never lose hope because this concept is a HUGE relief. We have what we need through Christ Jesus. What we can’t do, God’s power, can. What we think is out of reach is possible through Christ.
Dear sister-friends, we are not left without, as the enemy would love for us to think. We have all the ingredients we need for life and godliness. Christ's power is well-and-alive at work within us. Christ’s power works best in our weakness.
We take His Word at His Word. He has given us all we need.
When we believe this, things become far less difficult. It is nearly as easy for us to find our way as it is to Google, "Canola oil replacement." Then, we find jazzy solutions, like Apple Sauce or Maple Syrup. We arrive at answers through guidance, and we find new paths and solutions. We get increased hope and new-found deliciousness in life. God opens up awe-inspiring, fresh-hope through our once small-hope.
Then, we come to the place and space of seeing what God was baking up all along in our lives. We see great and mighty things, maybe even the parting of a sea, the leading of His people out of captivity, or a deliverance so mighty it leaves our mouth in awe.
Don’t doubt God; follow His call.
Let’s Pray
Father, You are my everything. All glory, honor, and praise are due to You. You are my Maker and my Creator. You are the Orchestrator of every good thing in my life. You, both, equip me for battle and enable me to win the victory. I ask You to give me greater faith in You. I ask You to increase my hopeful expectation. I ask You to help me believe Your Word at Your Word. I can’t garner my own faith. I trust You to be faithful. Faithful and True is who You are. You are Truth. Your character, and nature, is unchanging. I trust you. I believe You will empower me for what You call me to do. Give me courage in this. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
Is there something God has been calling you, or pressing on you, to do?
How has insecurity, fear or doubt hindered you in this?
What would it look like for you to trust God’s enabling and equipping power today?
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© 2022 by Kelly Balarie. All rights reserved.