When Comfort Is Hard to Find - Girlfriends in God - May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023
When Comfort Is Hard to Find
Gwen Smith
Today’s Truth
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed (2 Corinthians 4:8-9 NIV).
Friend to Friend
I’ve been through hard times. I’ve asked the question "why?" on many occasions. I’ve begrudgingly said goodbye to family and friends in order to say hello to strangers and scary new places. I know the matter of being shattered.
There was a season when Brad and I lived in four different homes, in four different states, within four years. From Ohio to Pennsylvania to New York to North Carolina, we made our way across the East Coast with three little ducklings in tow.
So much of what had been comfortable and familiar was stripped away. God was surely leading me to a place where I would have to trust Him and lean on Him in ways I never had before. And it was a grind.
Broken became my middle name.
In that season the only thing I could do was hunker down, spread out my mom wings, and care for the babes in my nest.
I changed diapers, chased toddlers, and cherished nap times.
Our state-to-state journey was exhausting. With each move, I experienced both bitter and sweet moments, but the aftertaste of the bitter moments seemed to linger a little longer than the sweet ones.
It was a difficult four years.
I’ve heard it said, “If the mountain was smooth, you couldn’t climb it.” There’s a lot of truth to that. Through the mountain of pain I scaled with each move, God brought me closer to Him and taught me important lessons that I surely wouldn’t have learned otherwise. Lessons about trusting God with my friendships, with goodbyes, with loneliness, with family, anger, stress, and faith. Through it all, I’ve come to know this for sure: God can be trusted in all things—even the hard things.
“He reached down from on high and took hold of me; He drew me out of deep waters” (Psalm 18:16 NIV).
I know from personal experience that in painful, tear-filled, exhausting days, God is still good and can still be trusted. He reaches down and takes hold of His weary children. He draws us out of deep waters. He is faithful.
I’ve witnessed His strength in my weakness.
I’ve felt His comfort in times of loss.
And though we aren’t always kept from experiencing shattered matters, we never have to endure them alone.
Let’s Pray
Dear Lord, Thank You for always being by my side and for giving me Your strength and grace when I am simply weak and broken. Please help me look to You in every shattered matter. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
What has you weary or worrying today?
Let’s pray together today. Meet us in the comments section to share your heart and pray for one another.
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© 2023 by Gwen Smith. All rights reserved.