Girlfriends in God

Girlfriends in God - May 6, 2008


May 6, 2008

Faith and the Mustard Seed

Mary Southerland


Today’s truth

Hebrews 11:6 (NCV) Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him.


Friend to Friend

I grew up in Texas where tornadoes are a common occurrence. When the clouds took on a peculiar shade of green and the wind began to blow, we would turn on the radio and wait for any news, hoping and praying that it was just an ugly storm headed our way. Many times, we were forced to climb down into the damp, musty storm shelter buried in our back yard. I hated those storms!


Dan and I had been married several years when God moved us to South Florida where hurricanes seemed to be the norm for native Floridians. Then Hurricane Andrew came along and I experienced first-hand, the devastation these monstrous storms can inflict. I saw nothing normal at all about them. Hurricanes sweep brutally over their prey with vicious strength and leave nothing but destruction and terror in their path. Homes are reduced to useless rubble, memories are washed away and many times, lives are lost. Even today, certain parts of South Florida are still rebuilding.


I have always thought of hurricanes as something mankind could certainly do without! Recently, however, I learned that they are necessary to maintain a balance in nature. Scientists tell us hurricanes are tremendously valuable because they break up a large percentage of the oppressive heat, which builds up at the equator. Hurricanes are also indirectly responsible for much of the rainfall in North and South America. Because of these findings, meteorologists no longer feel the need to use cloud-seeding techniques to prevent hurricanes from being formed. In fact, the world of science is convinced that hurricanes actually do more good than harm.


The storms of life are much the same. Trials…pain…difficult circumstances and hard times are all a part of life! Things happen that are beyond our understanding and out of our control and we often turn to God with the question, “Why?”


That’s where faith comes in.


Hebrews 11:1 Faith means being sure of the things we hope for. And faith means knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. (ICB)


Faith is built upon trust. God wants us to trust Him in the trials of life! Even when we do not understand what is happening or can explain the circumstances. Even when nothing makes sense and everything seems wrong. God did not come to eliminate storms. God came to fill each storm with His presence and power. It is easy to trust Him when the seas are calm and the skies are clear! However, the strength of our faith is measured in the midst of a raging storm! A crisis always reveals what is really inside! What life does to us depends on what life finds in us! Faith is a deliberate choice to believe God, to walk through our fear, knowing we can trust Him every step of the way.


Let’s pray

Father, I confess to You that my faith is weak. Forgive me for giving in to doubts and fears. I know Your plan for me is certainty and hope. Please help me face today with Your faith in my heart. Enable me to walk straight ahead through my fear knowing that You are with me in each step. Today, I choose faith.

In Jesus’ name,



Now it’s your turn

Scripture tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Matthew 17:20 also tells us that even a tiny amount of faith pleases Him. (Jesus) replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."


A mustard seed is very, very tiny, but once planted, it grows into a huge tree. Jesus said a little faith can have incredible results. We don't need a lot of faith - just as much as a mustard seed to produce great results. Why? Because our God is an awesome God and our faith depends on Him!


What is the greatest storm in your life today?

What step do you need to take to face that trial with faith instead of fear?

What is keeping you from trusting God and stepping out in faith?


More from the Girls

It is time for me to evaluate my faith. How about you? Will you join me in…


  • Choosing to believe that God is in control
  • Deciding to face today in faith
  • Praising Him for the storms that cause me to step out in faith
  • Relying upon the truth of God’s word instead of my unreliable feelings


For more teaching on faith and on how it can change your life, check out my CD, Stepping Out in Faith. Need encouragement? Join over 7,000 women from across the world in my weekly online Bible Study, Light for the Journey. And be sure to check out my two brand new CDs, How to Get Past Your Past and Escaping the Stress Trap.



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