Girlfriends in God - Nov. 7, 2008
November 7, 2008
Prayer - Our Calling and Privilege
We hope you are enjoying the Girlfriends in God daily devotions. We (Mary, Sharon, and Gwen) would like to introduce you to some of our special friends. From time-to-time, the Friday devotions will be written by one of our friends in ministry. We call them our "Friday Friends." So grab your Bible and a fresh cup of coffee and drink in the words from our "Friday Friend",
Melody Hadley.
Today’s Truth
Friend to Friend
The New Testament teaches that intercession is expected of all believers. Praying for the sick is particularly important. To be an effective intercessor we must keep a clean, open heart to hear God’s voice and follow His instructions. We must recognize what a great privilege it is to serve God in prayer and that it is our duty as Christians to care about the welfare of others.
My response to God’s call to be a mediator/intercessor all began in January 2005. A distraught friend e-mailed, asking that I pray and contact as many prayer warriors as I could for intercessory prayer on behalf of her daughter-in-law who was dealing with major psychiatric and physical health problems. My immediate response was to pray for God’s healing and guidance in this young lady’s life. I asked Him for direction as to the best method of speedily spreading this prayer concern, and God responded in my heart. He told me to e-mail all the Christian people in my e-mail address book with the request.
The response was overwhelming. Men and women from several states and countries as far away as
Because of being obedient to God’s leading in what many would call a “small” matter of responding to one prayer request, a ministry was born. Those who shared in the intercession began contacting me to say how humbled and honored they felt to be a participant. They also began sending prayer requests and praise reports on a regular basis. A commonality of purpose emerged from within the group and each member wanted to serve the Lord by serving others, as James
Who in your life needs your prayer support today? If you need prayer, have you contacted someone, asking for prayer? It’s never too late to start praying and it’s always too early to stop.
Let’s Pray
Dear Father, we come to You seeking to know Your will. Show us where and how we can demonstrate Your love, by praying for others. Give us open hearts and minds so that we can truly identify the specific needs of others. Grant us the ability to be Your hands, Your feet in serving others in love.
In Jesus’ name,
Now It’s Your Turn
If you would like to be part of prayer ministry via Internet or phone, there is always a place for you on a prayer team. God encourages us to communicate with Him—so please pray! Contact your church and your friends. If there isn’t an existing prayer ministry, consider stepping out and being the facilitator and get a prayer ministry started!
More From The Girlfriends
Think about your hands/fingers. You wash them, use them to feed yourself, type with them, work in the garden, touch a child, play an instrument, etc. They are an amazing and complex part of the body God created for us. A wonderful way to utilize your hands and fingers as prayer reminders is described below.
The Five Finger Prayer
It is sometimes helpful to have a plan to follow when praying. The “Five Finger Prayer” is a simple but effective pattern of prayer:
The thumb is nearest you. So begin praying for those closest to you.
The pointing finger is next. Pray for those who instruct, teach, and heal, including teachers, doctors, and ministers who point others to God.
The tallest finger reminds us to pray for leaders – men and women in places of influence such as our President, business leaders, your boss – anyone in power.
The ring finger is the perfect reminder to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain.
The little finger reminds you to pray for yourself.
(Author unknown)
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Girlfriends in God