Girlfriends in God

You’re God’s Girl for the Job - Girlfriends in God - November 6, 2017

November 6, 2017
You’re God’s Girl for the Job   
Arlene Pellicane

Today’s Truth

I was cupbearer to the king (Nehemiah 1:11b, NIV).

Friend to Friend

“Medical Protective, may I help you?”

This was my life years ago when I worked as a secretary for an insurance company.  I was newly married and took whatever job I could find.  Being an administrative assistant wasn’t my passion or area of expertise, but it was a way to pay bills.  I did the best I could answering phones and filing medical records.

Whether you are an engineer or teacher, accountant or cook, do you know your work matters to God?  You may not be a formal missionary, but God can use you - right where you are - to do important work for the kingdom of God.

Consider Nehemiah.  He was a cupbearer to the king of Persia.  He was a trusted servant whose job was to make sure the king’s cup wasn’t poisoned and to bring joy to the king.

Nehemiah wasn’t a priest or scribe.  He was doing what might be labeled “secular” work.  Yet he was the one God used mightily to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem.  Nehemiah’s heart was grieved when he heard the terrible news of the survivors in Jerusalem being in great distress.  The wall was broken and the gates set on fire.

He wept, mourned, fasted and prayed for many days.  Nehemiah recognized his job allowed him to interact with the king, and that the king might just be the man God would use to finance the rebuilding of the wall.

One miraculous day, Nehemiah traded in his cup for a hard hat.  The king gave him the go ahead to oversee a construction project to rebuild the wall.  God was with Nehemiah and men from all occupational backgrounds worked side by side to rebuild the wall.

Eliashib the high priest rose up to build (Nehemiah 3:1).  He was joined by Uzziel the goldsmith (v. 8), Hananiah a perfumer (v. 8), Rephaiah a leader of half the district of Jerusalem (v. 9), and the Levite priests (v. 17).  Even daughters helped to make repairs (v. 12).  They were unified in the task of rebuilding the wall.  Every level of society participated.  There was not a distinction between rich and poor, between sacred and secular.

In the beginning, God created the world and the human race to subdue the earth.  Your work matters to God, and it is sacred when you dedicate it to Him.  You are God’s girl for the job.  Whether you are designing websites, negotiating deals, or cleaning up spilled milk, God can use you to further His kingdom right where you are.

Be ready and expectant.  You never know when a divine order is coming your way.

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, it says in 1 Corinthians 10:31 whether we eat or drink, we are to do everything to the glory of God.  I dedicate my work to You.  Help me see how I can seek first the kingdom of God at my workplace.  Use me to accomplish great things with eternal value.

In Jesus’ Name,


Now It’s Your Turn 

How can you bring honor to God at your workplace or in your home?

More from the Girlfriends

Perhaps one of your roles is being a wife.  Find out how you can enjoy the sacred calling of marriage even more in Arlene’s book 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife.

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