Girlfriends in God - Oct. 13, 2006
Today's Truth
1 John 3:1 “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!”
Friend to Friend
So, let’s talk this through…the Bible says that God is the King of Kings…and we, who are in Christ, are His children…that makes all of us (with X chromosomes) His daughters. Stay with me here…if we are daughters of the KING, and heirs to His royal throne…that makes each ‘Girlfriend in God’ a princess! (Gotta love deductive reasoning!) Join me in saying,”I, (insert name here,) am a princess.” There! It’s official. Now what exactly does that mean? Let’s chase that.
Personally, most of what I know about earthly royalty comes from history books and current events. I’ve learned bits and pieces over the years by watching Princess Diana marry Prince listening to ‘Fergie’ on the talk show circuit…and by watching Princess Diaries with my teenage niece. Okay – so maybe I know very little about being the heir to an earthly kingdom. I admit it. I have, however, made a few observations that I think are relevant to us as children of God.
I would venture to guess that most of the GIGs reading this devotion are not living in a palace. In fact, it may be quite the opposite! What do we know about being a princess? There are both responsibilities and privileges.
Royal Responsibilities
Along with royalty, comes responsibility. The Bible says that to whom much is given, much is required. You and I have been called to be ‘difference makers.’ Our lives should point to the hope of Christ in very tangible ways. While Princess Diana walked this earth, she brought international media attention to aids, poverty and social injustices. She was a warrior for the underdog. We may not have the attention of all the nations, but we can impact those in our household, our neighborhoods and our communities. We can volunteer at a homeless shelter, bake a casserole for a family in need or sing at a retirement center for the elderly. We can show love to a hard-to-love person, counsel a friend or put gas in the car of a person in need. Jesus said that when we’ve done it to ‘the least of these’ we have done it unto Him. We have royal responsibilities.
Royal Privileges
An old marketing slogan for American Express Credit Cards stated, “Membership has its privileges.” The commercials were designed to stir up our desires to join the elite in life. One unique thing about a princess is her access to the King. (That’s pretty elite, my friends.) She can approach the throne with confidence. She even gets to call the King ‘Daddy’!
God bids us to call on Him in Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you did not know.” As princesses in the
It’s time for us to live out our higher calling! It’s time for a Coronation Ceremony!
Pledge of a Princess – Would you please stand, place your tiara securely on your precious, noble head, raise your right hand and repeat after me, “I (insert name,) do solemnly swear to take my role as PRINCESS very seriously. I promise to carry out my royal responsibilities with dignity, grace and compassion. I will represent the royal throne with honor, seek counsel from the Prince of Peace and draw all wisdom and strength from the King of Kings. I humbly accept this high calling from my majestic heavenly Father and will live intentionally, so that my life may be a magnificent display of virtue and passion for the LORD.
Let's Pray
Heavenly Father, it warms my heart to consider the fact that I am Your precious princess. Please help me to make a difference. Help me to be intentional as I pour into the lives of others in tangible ways so that You can be seen. And God, when I hesitate to cross the threshold of your throne room, please remind me that my access to Your love and grace is endless and secure because of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Now it's Your Turn
List three things you can do this week to be a ‘difference maker’ in the lives of others.
Repeat the Pledge of a Princess. Call a friend. Have her repeat this pledge along with you.
Journal your thoughts about the access you have to confidently approach the holy God of heaven.
My 5-year-old daughter Kennedy has such a way about her. She knows that her daddy and I love her to pieces. As the youngest of our three children - and the only girl – she really is our little princess! It is evident with each confident smile that she feels secure in our love. As a grown woman, I want to experience that same security and intimacy with my heavenly Father. I was made to know His secure love. You were, too! Hope you relish it today, friend.
For more on today’s topic, see Gwen’s CD, Because.
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