Girlfriends in God - Oct. 5, 2009
October 5, 2009
I Can't-itis
Sharon Jaynes
Today's Truth
"I can do everything through him (Jesus) who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13 NIV).
Friend To Friend
By the time my son was four-years-old, he had a bad case of the "I Can't-itis." If he didn't have immediate success in an endeavor, his tendency was to throw up his chubby little hands and say, "I can't do it!"
When it came time to take the training wheels off his bike, a bad case of "I Can't-itis" crept in. For several hours, Steven tried to balance the two wheels, but crashed to the ground time and time again. "I can't do it," he stormed.
"You can't do it, yet," I encouraged. "But you will. And when you learn to ride your bike, it will be the funnest thing you do as a kid."
Steven looked me in the eye, placed his balled up hands on his little hips and slowly said, "This-is-not-fun-and-it-will-never-be-fun."
Oh, my, how I saw myself in those eyes. So many times when God is trying to teach me a life lesson or a new discipline, I lose my balance and want to quit. He takes the training wheels off and sets me on the road of maturity, and sometimes I tumble to the ground. "I can't do it," I cry "This is not fun and it will never be fun."
But God just keeps on working with me, holding the back of the bicycle until I learn to balance and keep moving straight ahead. The next thing you know, I'm cruising down victory lane and God is smiling with joy and delight.
A few days after Steven's declaration of defeat, he walked out the door, hopped on his little red bike, and peddled around the yard without losing his balance once. And you know what, riding his bicycle was the funnest thing he ever did as a kid.
Remember Moses? Now he was a man with a bad case of "I Can't-itis. When God spoke to Moses through the burning bush and called him to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage, Moses started shaking in his sandals. "What if they ask me Your name?" he questioned. "What if they don't believe me?" "I've never been a good speaker." "Please pick someone else!"
God patiently answered each of Moses' arguments and gave him the cure for his cowardice. "I will be with you. I will help you," He replied (Exodus 3:12, 4:12). And friend, that is the cure for you and for me.
The devil would have us believe that we can't _________. We can fill in that blank with any number of things. I can't live victoriously. I can't control my emotions. I can't be a loving wife. I can't find a job. I can't control my eating. I can't control my tongue.
But that is a lie. The truth is "I can do everything through him (Christ) who gives me strength!" Philippians 4:13. Who are you going to believe, the enemy who says "you can't," or God who says "you can?"
You'll be happy to know that Steven is now a twenty-five-year-old confident young man and only has occasional flares ups of "I Can't-it is"…as we all do.
Join me tomorrow as we look at a young man in the Bible who knew the cure for "I Can't-itis."
Let's Pray
Dear LORD, there are so many things that I cannot do … in my own strength. However, with Your power working through me, I can do anything that You call me to do. I know that if You call me to it, You will see me through it. If You give me the vision, You will give me the provision. I can do all things through him who gives me strength.
In Jesus' Name,
Amen and Amen.
Now It's Your Turn
Is there anything in your life that you feel God has called you to do, but you have answered with "I can't?" It may not be by forming the words with your lips, but ignoring His leading with your actions.
What do you think God is waiting to hear from you?
More From The Girlfriends
Today's devotion was adapted from Sharon's book, I'm Not Good Enough…and Other Lies Women Tell Themselves. If you've been listening to the lies of the enemy who tells you that you are "not good enough" it's time to stop! Let's start believing God's truth that says you are a chosen, holy, cleansed, forgiven, empowered child of the King.
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Girlfriends in God