Help Me, God - Girlfriends in God - October 11, 2022
October 11, 2022
Help Me, God
Suzanne Eller
Today’s Truth
Come quickly to help me, O Lord my savior (Psalm 38:22 NLT).
Friend to Friend
I was 32, a young mama, and battling breast cancer. The news had come at an already-hard time. My husband worked long hours each week, trying to keep our business afloat. When he paid the business expenses each month, there was just a small amount left to pay ourselves. The pressure often made me feel like I was near to drowning, but we told no one about our financial battle.
Christmas was weeks away. Our children had school expenses. I was going through radiation and chemotherapy, and medical bills were piling up. One day as I walked to the mailbox, I dreaded what I knew would be inside. Bills, bills, and more bills.
But this day was different. Tucked among the envelopes was a card without a return address. It appeared that someone had slipped it in our mailbox when we weren’t looking. When I opened it, cash fell out. The inscription simply read, “You are loved and seen.” I stood at the mailbox on that wintry day and cried like a baby. To this day, so many years later, I still have no idea who left the card in our mailbox. What I do know is the joy I felt. I was able to take care of an outstanding utility bill. I bought a few groceries. I bought school supplies, then tucked the rest away, with a plan to buy each of my children a small gift for Christmas.
Like the psalmist, I had prayed a simple prayer each day.
Come quickly to help me, O Lord my savior (Psalm 38:22 NLT).
However, my prayer wasn’t as eloquent. Some days, it was simply, “Help us, Jesus.”
And somewhere, someone became a part of answering that prayer. Their obedience was an instrument of hope at just the right time.
Answered prayers are often awe-inspiring partnerships with God.
Years later, long after that challenging season, I see prayer in a different light. When I was going through that challenging time, I saw prayer as a one-way conversation with God.
Do You see me, God?
What can we do, Father?
Now I see it as a multi-layered conversation.
I prayed.
God listened and breathed an invitation into the heart of someone close by.
That person said yes.
Tears fell as I stood at the mailbox; a glimpse of hope held in my hand.
Isn’t it amazing how God works?
Perhaps God has been leading you to encourage someone. Listen to that invitation. It may seem small. It may be behind the scenes. They may never know that you were the one who did it. But as you say yes to it, God will use your obedience to meet her, right where she is.
Let’s Pray
Jesus, how many times have You used someone to love me well? So many! A kind word. An unexpected and generous act. A text or card that said the words I needed to hear. All these things have been instrumental in my own life. Show me someone who may need that same encouragement. Thank You for inviting me to partner with You to love others, In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
What is one way God is asking you to partner with Him?
These are just a few ways you can do that.
- Drop a note of encouragement in the mail or send an encouraging text.
- Tuck a gift card in an envelope for a family who may be struggling with school expenses or groceries.
- Bring a meal to someone who is ill.
- Create a comfort kit with nonperishable snacks, a few dollar bills, travel size toiletries, and a new pair of socks. Give them out as the Holy Spirit leads.
- Be present in a time of crisis. You don’t have to have the right words. Just let her know she is not alone.
More from the Girlfriends
When someone is walking through a difficult season, she may not have the words to pray, but still desperately long for connection with God.
If you have a friend who is in a challenging season (or you are there too), Prayer Starters is a gentle resource to help her connect with God and find the hope and encouragement she longs for.
© 2022 by Suzanne Eller. All rights reserved.
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