Girlfriends in God Daily Devotional for Women

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Learning to Roll with It - Girlfriends in God - October 5, 2018

October 5, 2018
Learning to Roll with It
Elisa Pulliam

Today’s Truth We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps (Proverbs 16:9, NLT).

Friend to Friend

When was the last time you had the perfect plan in place – the kind of plan that requires preparation and devotion of time – but regardless of your investment, the plan simply wouldn’t behave? Maybe there was an obstacle at every turn, a conflict with those you were counting on attending, an issue with the space, or a challenge in meeting the deadline.

Well, I understand! As one who likes to plan, I’ve experienced my fair share of divine re-routings. Like the time I was scheduled to speak at an event in the middle of February. All the pieces were in place. The invitations were sent out. I steeped myself in the study of Biblical mentoring once again, just to see if there was anything new the Lord wanted me to share. But something wasn’t settling right in my spirit. Then the call came from the event organizer and before she could get her words out, I knew. The registration was extremely low due to the school break schedule and she was wondering if I would be willing to postpone. 

So much for our best-laid plans since the Lord is always about the business of determining our steps.

If this had been years ago, my response would have been less than graceful. As I say, I used to roll like a square log . . . thump, thump, thump. But as I’ve dug deep into the Word, seeking to know the character of God, He has increased my faith in His faithfulness. I don’t have to fuss because I know who God is and believe His Word.

He is a God who redeems. He is a God who provides. He is a God who gives good gifts to His children.

So what if the event gets postponed? So what if our plans don’t prevail?  What if God has something better in store that we can’t see right now but will uncover later on? 

When we believe God is who He says He is we can trust Him to accomplish His purposes even when they don’t make sense to us.

As you might suspect, I said yes to the date-change request. The Lord brought together over 70 women from seven different churches to learn how they can step into Biblical mentoring relationships and encourage the women in their churches to do the same! If I had been stubborn, as I've been known to be, look at all those women who would have missed this valuable training. You could say that God has made edges smoother, enabling me to roll much more easily and gracefully. 

How might God be asking you to learn to roll with His plans, which might be a part of the smoothing-out process in your life too?

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, I am so grateful that You are the one who determines our steps even as we’re busy making our plans. Please help us to roll with Your re-routings, graciously receiving Your direction and heeding the prompting of the Holy Spirit, so that we may keep in step with You always.

In Jesus’ Name,


Now It’s Your Turn 

What would it take to believe that God’s plans are better than your plans? Do you need to dig deeper into your study of Scripture, maybe focusing on the character of God, so that you can trust in His plans instead of counting on yours?

More from the Girlfriends

Longing to see God’s plans and purposes for your life with a fresh perspective? That’s Elisa’s passion as she seeks to help women experience a fresh encounter with God and His Word at MoretoBe.comthrough providing the R.A.W. Scripture Study as well as biblical resources, life coaching, coach training, and mentor training.

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