How Are You Feeling? - Girlfriends in God - September 14, 2022
September 14, 2022
How Are You Feeling?
Gwen Smith
Today’s Truth
Search Me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting (Psalm 139:23-24 ESV).
Friend to Friend
My son Preston called from the nurse’s office at the middle school early one morning. Here’s how the conversation went:
“Hey mom. It’s Preston. I’m not feeling well, and I have a temperature of 96.5. Can you come get me?”
“96.5 degrees?” I asked. “Honey, that’s below normal! That doesn’t sound right.”
“I know,” he said, “but I don’t feel well. Can you please come pick me up?”
“Sure, honey. I’ll be right there.”
I chuckled the whole way to the school at what he had said. Surely he misread the thermometer! A normal temperature is 98.6 degrees. Something was off.
I got to the school in a North Carolina minute and headed straight to the nurse’s office. While Preston packed his bag to go home, I spoke privately to the school nurse. With a grin on her face, she explained to me that Preston was resistant to putting the thermometer under his tongue as she had instructed him to do. He wasn’t comfortable with that. “So,” she said, “he held the thermometer between his lips.” The nurse and I exchanged amused glances as I thanked her for helping my son.
Although Preston knew something wasn’t right with his body, the nurse didn’t get an accurate temperature reading because he didn’t place the thermometer deep enough into his mouth. He didn’t let it probe past the surface of his lips.
Later that night, as I thought back on the day, the Lord spoke to my heart. I realized that I’m often as stubborn as Preston because at times I resist having an accurate reading of my spiritual wellness. Times when I won’t let God probe past the surface of my heart, my actions, my attitudes, and my perspective … when I don’t allow God to reveal the accurate spiritual temperature of my life. Because I’m not always comfortable with deeper-level stuff… so I don’t sit still to listen.
I was disturbed by that thought.
I needed to be disturbed by that thought. By that reality.
Just because I’ve been a Christian for a long time doesn’t mean I’m always in great spiritual health. In fact, the more I learn about God’s holiness, the more I realize how much I need His grace and strength every day to lead me in His wellness.
You might not “feel well” today. Perhaps you have spiritual indigestion from your marriage, your children, your friendships, your finances, your singleness, or your conversations.
You could be “sick” from the shows you watch, the internet relationships you’ve developed, the gossip or harsh words you’ve allowed to pass from your lips, or the jealousy you feel in your heart.
Maybe you haven’t allowed your heart to be probed recently... you’ve been resistant because you don’t like to feel uncomfortable, convicted, or exposed.
The Bible tells us that the kindness of God leads us to repentance, and repentance leads us to restoration. To wellness and holiness in Christ. David sought spiritual wellness by going straight to God. “Search Me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24).
What’s your spiritual temperature? Are you hot or cold? Is the flame of faith in your heart fading or raging? Have you sat still long enough lately to ask God to search your heart?
Let’s Pray
Dear Lord, I’m sorry for the times when I go about my own way without listening or following Your lead. Search my heart right now. Point out where I need correction and direction. Strengthen me to walk in Your ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
How are you feeling spiritually? Spend a few moments considering your spiritual wellness. Ask God to probe your heart and reveal areas in your life that need to be made right with Him.
Let’s pray together today. Meet us in the comments section to share your heart and pray for one another.
More from the Girlfriends
Studying the Bible is important to help you know and trust God more. It equips you with His power, presence, perspective and peace. It informs your emotions, increases courage, decreases doubt, and bolsters believing.
© 2022 by Gwen Smith. All rights reserved.
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