Girlfriends in God Daily Devotional for Women

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Peace - Girlfriends in God - February 11, 2016

February 11, 2016
Mary Southerland

Today’s Truth

Jesus has the power of God, by which He has given us everything we need to live and to serve God. We have these things because we know Him(2 Peter 1:3, NCV).

Friend to Friend

I do not have a green thumb. In fact, friends and family members refuse to let me come within two feet of any living plant … but I keep trying. I once planted some flowers in our front yard. Actually, I just kind of stuck them in the ground, prayed over them, and hoped for a miracle. After a few days, they were still alive and looking good. I was so proud! Then a summer storm came through. I ventured outside to check on my flowers and discovered them lying on the ground, beaten to a pulp!

I lived next door to Martha Stewart’s twin sister who had planted the very same flowers which had gone through the very same storm … but were still standing tall and proud, mocking my sad, wilted floral remnants. “You didn’t plant your flowers deeply enough,” my neighbor sweetly explained. Evidently the flowers were not rooted and had been easily extracted by the storm. The same is true in our lives. 

Having a personal relationship with God means that we have access to all of Him and all of His resources, including peace. But most people I know would give anything to experience the peace of God.

Each day brings a new list of worries.

Every night is filled with a fresh batch of “what ifs.”

The Bible tells us that God is the author of peace. If God authors peace, why do we often find ourselves in a constant battle against anxiety and fear?

I believe it is because we are not firmly rooted in Him. We are not tapping into the vast riches that are rightfully ours as children of the King. We are not focused on God and His presence in our lives. 

When our daughter Danna was in middle school, she played on a coed soccer team. During one particularly rough game, Danna fell, landing on her elbow. By the time I got to her, she was wailing in pain and couldn’t move her fingers – not a good sign. Danna took one look at my face and instantly knew we were headed to the emergency room, a place she detested and feared. 

On the way to the hospital, I talked up a storm, hoping to distract Danna while helping her face fear head on.  “Are you scared, honey?” I finally asked. With tears streaming down her face, she looked at me and sobbed, “Yes, mommy! I am very, very scared!” I hugged her close and said, “Danna, everything is going to be fine.” A watery smile spread across her face as she responded, “I know it will be okay as long as you are there with me. Promise not to leave me, Mom.”

Over the years, Danna and I had made several trips to the emergency room and many more to the doctor. Every time she was terrified. Every time she made me promise to stay with her, and every time, I did. And here she was … asking again.

I could have said, “Danna! What is the matter with you? How many times have we been through this? I never leave you, do I? When are you going to get it?” Those words never entered my mind. My baby girl was hurting. She was afraid and needed to know she could count on me. She needed the assurance that I would be with her, no matter what. Once again, I gladly and freely promised.

The same is true in our relationship with God. Because He is with us - no matter what - we can focus on Him and walk through our fear. The deeper we delve into the truth and power of God, the stronger our personal relationship with Him will grow. Our relationship with God will never change because He keeps it, but how much power we receive from Him depends on how solid and stable that relationship is and how persistent we are in pursuing Him.

Today, focus on Jesus Christ. Know that He is with you. Walk in the promise that He will never leave you. He is your peace.

Let’s Pray

Lord, thank You for being with me every step of the way. I praise You for Your sufficiency and for Your love that never fails. I pray that I will learn how to trust You and look for You in every circumstance of life. I want to please You, Father. Change my comfortable heart to an obedient heart, a heart that is always ready to praise You – no matter what!

In Jesus’ Name,


Now it’s Your Turn

How would you define peace?

Would your family and friends describe you as a peaceful person or an anxious person?

When you face a difficult situation, where do you turn first for help? 

What is your attitude about the storms in your life? How does that attitude need to change?

More from the Girlfriends

You cannot eliminate stress in your life, but you can learn to control it and cultivate peace. Mary’s book, Escaping the Stress Trap, transforms the promises of the Twenty-third Psalm into easy-to-implement, practical steps that will hand you the keys to stress management. A chapter-by-chapter study guide is included.

Be sure to check out the FREE MP3s on Mary’s website and connect with Mary through email or on Facebook.

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how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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P.O. Box 1311
Huntersville, NC 28070


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