Girlfriends in God

The Backdrop of Heaven - Girlfriends in God - June 19, 2015

June 19, 2015
The Backdrop of Heaven
Mary Southerland

Today’s Truth

What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes (James4:14, NIV).

Friend to Friend

On a recent visit to meet our new granddaughter, our son called to say he was running late and asked if I could take our seven-year-old grandson Jaydan to baseball practice. “I will meet you there, Mom. You can stay and watch if you want to, or you can head home,” Jered said. But I heard the hopeful tone in his voice. I stayed.

It was a beautiful night … in more ways than one. The years fell away as I remembered the countless times my husband and I had watched our son play in a game of some kind. Jered tried T-ball, softball, baseball, soccer, basketball, and football before finally settling on football that took him all the way through college. It seemed like only yesterday when I was the one sitting in the bleachers watching Jered play while my husband coached his team.

Jered is now married, has four children, and coaches his own son who seems to be a natural athlete like his dad. As I thought of all the wonderful experiences in store for Jered and his family, I wondered where all of those years had gone.

No doubt about it. Life is short. And this brief life is nothing more than a dress rehearsal for eternity. Every minute of every day is either spent or invested. What makes the difference?


Resting in God while wholeheartedly pursuing God’s plan.

Surrendering every part of every day to Him, knowing that nothing touches our lives without passing through His hands - with His permission.

Those interruptions we complain about may very well be God-ordained opportunities through which His grace, love and forgiveness are poured.  

We need to live each day with the mindset that we are God with skin on. Our heart desire should be for God to use us to accomplish His plan and purpose in the lives of each person we meet.

Truth is for today. You will never live this day again. Are you living it for Christ or for yourself?

He wants you to tell others about Him - today.

He wants you to look for ways to help those in need - today.

When God finds a willing heart, the doors of opportunity to serve Him are endless. We can’t do it all, but we can certainly find all that God has for us to do … and do all of that. Christ does not want us to live as if this life will continue forever. It won’t. We need to live each day with eternity as our backdrop and make everything we do count for the kingdom. 

Our son, Jered was a beautiful baby. I remember getting a coupon in the mail from Sears for their special picture deal where you get 100 photos for $2.99. We headed to the mall where we met one bored photographer who was thrilled to see his first customer for the day. Jered loved having his picture taken and put on quite a show. After the advertised special pictures were taken, the photographer asked, “Listen, I don’t have any appointments today and really need some new pictures for wall displays. Would you mind if I took more pictures of Jered?” What mother is going refuse that offer? Not this proud mama! We went to work. 

The photographer handed me a box of clothes and asked me to choose several different outfits for Jered. First came the tuxedo. The photographer pulled down a silver backdrop, making Jered’s curly black hair stand out and his blue eyes dance. Next came the blue snowsuit against a red backdrop. With every backdrop, Jered’s appearance changed and his eyes seemed to change color – and an eternal truth lodged in my heart. 

How we view this life depends on the backdrop against which we live it. The right backdrop for us as believers is a manger – a cruel cross – an empty tomb – and eternity itself. That backdrop changes everything.

Let’s Pray

Father, please help me remember to live each day as if it were my last. Let me make every moment count for You and Your kingdom. Give me Your eyes to see those in need. Teach me how to invest each day in ways that please You.

In Jesus’ name,


Now It’s Your Turn

What are your life priorities? Do they reflect your life plan or God’s life plan for you? What changes do you need to make in order to make the most out of each day God gives you? What part does rest play in that plan?

More from the Girlfriends

I often wonder how different our world would be if we listened for and acted on the instructions God gives us through His Word and through the Holy Spirit. Today, listen for His voice, and look for ways to share His love.

Need help? Mary’s CD, Celebrate Life will give you practical steps to living each day to the fullest and finding ways to share His love. Be sure to check out the FREE MP3s on Mary’s website. Connect with Mary through email or on Facebook.

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P.O. Box 1311
Huntersville, NC 28070

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