Girlfriends in God

When God’s Agenda Trumps Yours - Girlfriends in God - February 27, 2015

February 27, 2015
When God’s Agenda Trumps Yours
Gwen Smith

Today’s Truth

The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way.(Psalm 37:23, ESV)

Friend to Friend

God used a crockpot that day.

Not mine – hers.

Her: the casual friend I ran into at the grocery store who looked put together on the outside but was pulled apart on the inside by a heart-wound that dripped of fear, insecurity, and doubt.

She was at the store because her crockpot mysteriously didn’t work that day. Though it had been loaded in the morning, the chicken was not edible come dinnertime because it was still raw. Her crockpot was turned on and plugged in, but never heated up.

It was time to feed my people and I was in a rush to grab what I needed. Always a rush.

We met at the corner of eggs and pretzels.

It wasn’t a coincidence. It was an appointment set in God’s calendar that I had no idea I was on time for. We were both on time. HE set the appointment. His Spirit led the conversation. Both she and I knew it by the divine traces of grace, truth, and peace that covered our hearts as we said goodbye through tears and a hug.

We smiled as our carts crossed paths again at the checkout line… knowing we both came for groceries but were leaving with what we needed even more. Me: a fresh measure of gratitude and an overwhelming awe of our loving Plan-changer who knows and responds to the needs of our harried hearts. Her: a personal and on-time Word from God through the lips of a friend.

The grocery ground I walked was holy.

My heart was humbled and my thoughts soared with God’s beyond-ness. The way He met us there. The way His agenda trumped mine. The way he stopped a crockpot from working. The way He loves her. The way He loves me. The way He loves us.

Oh, how He loves us!

Perfectly. Immeasurably. Personally.

My rush was hushed as I loaded bags into the trunk and left the parking lot.

The steering wheel was chilly, but my soul was warm with God’s goodness. I reflected and gave thanks. So much thanks. I was grateful for the invasion of His presence… of His agenda… of His grace.

Joy rode home with me and hung out that entire evening.

I was changed because my plans were rearranged.

Because God needed to make His love known to a discouraged daughter... and because He allowed me to join Him in the beautiful mission.

Oh, how He loves us!

The Lord directs the steps of the godly.

He delights in every detail of their lives.

Though they stumble, they will never fall,

for the Lord holds them by the hand.

(Psalm 37:23-24, NLT)

I’m desperate for this lesson to linger long. Are you?

When your day is rearranged or those plans seem ruined, open the eyes of your heart in expectation that God may have penciled you in for a special appointment. He does that, you know!? In tenderly mysterious ways. Sometimes even through a crockpot.

Let’s Pray

Lord, Thank You for Your love that sees, knows, restores, and cherishes me. Help me to remember that my moments are Your moments. Guide me as I plan each day and teach me to hold those plans loosely so that Your Spirit might lead every step.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Now It’s Your Turn

Proverbs 16:3 tells us to, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans.” Grab your journal or spend time in prayer and reflect on what this can and should look like in your life.

Got a divine appointment story? Click over to my blog or my Facebook page and share it briefly in the comments section.

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