When We Interfere with God’s Plan - Girlfriends in God - June 22, 2015
June 22, 2015
When We Interfere with God’s Plan
Sharon Jaynes
Today’s Truth
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord (Psalm 27:14 NIV).
Friend to Friend
There are some parts of the story of Abraham and Sarah that just leave me biting my nails. I mean, Sarah, what were you thinking? Telling your husband to sleep with your maid? Really?
God had an incredible plan for Abraham and Sarah. While His plan was still accomplished despite Sarah’s scheming, her interference caused much heartache and strife. Many times we have a tendency to run ahead of God when we feel He is not acting quickly enough. We connive, cajole, coax, and conspire. We hamper, hinder, hassle and hurry.
Jeremiah 29:11 promises that God has a plan for each and every one of us. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” He does not need our interference to accomplish that plan. He does require our obedience and cooperation.
I asked my Facebook friends to tell about a time when they interfered with God’s plan. Here’s what a few had to say:
-I prayed that God would change my husband. I got tired of waiting, so I decided to take matters in my own hands and do it myself. I made a terrible mess of our marriage and the situation only got worse.
-I prayed for a husband, but got tired of waiting on God to bring him. I ended up dating a non-Christian, getting pregnant with twins, and ultimately left all alone to raise them by myself.
-When I was 24, I got pregnant and had an abortion. I didn’t trust God with the situation and took matters in my own hands. Years of nightmares, anxiety, guilt, and fear followed. I finally allowed God to walk me through to full repentance and redemption. I knew Christ at the time of the abortion, but didn’t believe He could help me get through the pregnancy. While I’ve dealt with the abortion physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and even share my testimony about God’s forgiveness, I will never have the joy of raising that child.
-I lived with a man for 10 years. He partied all the time and didn’t want to get married. I prayed that God would change him. Finally I prayed that God would change me and moved out. I cried out to God, “Why am I not enough for my boyfriend?” He answered, “Why am I not enough for you?” Wow! I can honestly say that life with God in control is amazing. His ways have been by far the most exciting and fulfilling time of my life. Listen to his nudges, friends, and most of all, wait for his green light.
-I pushed my husband to take a job that moved us thousands of miles away from family and friends. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. I know I interfered with God’s plan by not waiting on Him to guide us. We are still suffering the consequences.
God has given us a free will and allows us to storm ahead, but He also allows the consequences of our interference to affect our lives. Because of Sarah’s interference, Hagar’s son, Ishmael, was born. Muhammad, the founder of the Muslim people and Islamic faith, came from Ishmael’s family tree. God predicted tension between the offspring of Ishmael and Isaac and we see that conflict raging even today with strife between the Muslims and Jews.
So here’s my challenge to you today…let’s not interfere with God’s plan. Let’s wait for Him to act and not take the reins if we feel He’s not acting quickly enough. Deal? Deal.
Let’s Pray
Oh Lord, forgive me for my impatience. Forgive me for running ahead of You. Forgive me for interfering in Your plans and messing things up. Today, I commit to wait on You. I will not run ahead of You. I will not come up with a plan that suits my wants, my desires, or my fancies. I’ll wait on Your perfect plan to be enacted in Your perfect time.
In Jesus’ Name,
Now It’s Your Turn
In one of Sarah’s not-so-finest hours, she blamed the mess THAT SHE CREATED on her husband. Check out Genesis 16:1-5.
Have you ever made a mess of things, and then blamed someone else.
Ouch. My toes are hurting.
You know what God’s job is? He runs things. If you are willing to let God do His job today, click over to my Facebook page and say, “I’m not going to interfere with God’s job today.” And if you haven’t “liked” my page yet, be sure to click on that little thumbs up!
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I think one reason we jump in and try to “help” God do His job is because we don’t really trust Him. Hard to admit that, isn’t it? Would you like to join Gwen, Mary and me on a faith adventure to learn to trust Him more? Then check out our book, Trusting God. We even have free videos for you to use with each of the 12 chapters. You can find these on my Bible Study page. You’ll love it. More importantly, you’ll love God more!
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