<< Hands-On Faith for Families

Hands-On Faith - Week of March 31, 2014

Hands-on Faith for Families– week of March 31, 2014

Theme: Good Stewardship

Good Stewardship of Our Witness for Jesus Christ

Play: Choose one leader. Have the leader do different actions and expressions. Whoever the leader looks at should try to imitate the leader as quickly as possible, as if the person was the leader's mirror image. The leader can look back and forth between family members so the mirror image constantly changes. Take turns being the leader.

Talk: When we follow a leader, those around us can see that we are imitating that leader. When we follow Jesus, our actions reflect Him and help others see what He is like. Colossians 4:5-6 says that we need to be careful how we speak and act around nonbelievers and that we should take every opportunity to be gracious to them. In this way, we tell others about Jesus through our words, actions and expressions. What can you do today to show others that Jesus loves them?

Pray: Pray that God will help you to faithfully show His love through your words and actions.

Christine St. Jacques


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