Greg Laurie Daily Devotion - Apr. 13, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Where Will You Turn?
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
—Psalm 19:7-8
Where will you turn in a time of crisis? When tragedy hits? When disaster strikes? Will it be your favorite Web site? People magazine? The morning newspaper? The evening news? You will need something to give you strength and direction in your time of need, and that will come from the Word of God.
As one writer said, "One gem from that ocean is worth all of the pebbles from earthly streams." Just a pebble from the ocean of God's Word can make all the difference in the world. How many in their affliction have found comfort from Scripture?
I can tell you from personal experience that I have put the Word of God to the test, not only throughout my years as a Christian, but especially in the past 21 months. I have trusted in what the Bible has said, and it has sustained me and given me direction and hope and comfort when I needed it. Little platitudes or clever sayings don't help, but the Word of God does. It has been said that "he who rejects the Bible has nothing to live by. Neither does he have anything to die by."
Things go in and out of style, but the Word of God never goes out of style. It never goes out of date, unlike this morning's newspaper. The Word of God always will be relevant.
That is why I urge you to get a good foundation in this Book, because it is only a matter of time until hardship will strike you. Affliction will strike. Tragedy will strike. It happens in every life. There are no exceptions. But if you have a foundation in the Word of God, you will be ready for it when it comes. Don't wait until then to try and catch up. Get that foundation now.
Copyright © 2010 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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In times of tragedies and trials, certain things become evident:
- This life will have its sorrows
- God loves us
- Jesus weeps in our times of pain
- God can be glorified through human suffering
Hope for Hurting Hearts, Pastor Greg Laurie's new book, examines these truths, revealing God's love and care for us, and shows how we can find hope, even in the midst of the most unbearable pain and sorrow.
You can have your own copy of Hope for Hurting Hearts by Greg Laurie in appreciation for your gift to Harvest Ministries this month.