One Way - Greg Laurie Devotion - January 22, 2025
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
One Way
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 NLT)
If you had to define Christianity using only one Bible verse, John 14:6 would be a pretty good choice. In two sentences, Jesus gives us the core belief of Christianity, the distinctive feature that sets it apart from all other religions and belief systems.
Our culture encourages us to be spiritually open-minded. To accept all religious teachings as equally valid. To embrace the idea that all paths lead to God. And that it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as your faith is sincere.
But Jesus’ words in John 14:6 don’t give us those options. He is the way. There is no other path to God or Heaven except through Him. He is the truth. Any philosophy or scripture that doesn’t agree with His words and teachings cannot be true. He is the life. There is no way to live forever except through Him.
If that seems narrow-minded, consider this: God sacrificed what was most precious to Him—His Son—because it was the only way to pay the price for our sins. Jesus left His exalted place in Heaven to dwell among us and do what we couldn’t do: live a sinless life. God the Son allowed Himself to be mocked, beaten, and crucified. Even though He was innocent, He took God’s punishment for the sins of the world. He died in our place. He conquered death through His resurrection. He carried out God’s plan of salvation so that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life.
If there’s another path to God or Heaven (or if there’s another belief system that gives eternal life), that means God’s plan, the sacrifice of His Son, and Jesus’ suffering and death were unnecessary. If you believe Jesus didn’t have to die for you to be saved, you haven’t put your trust in Him.
Jesus reminds His followers that if we love Him, we will show it by obeying His commands. Relationship experts tell us there are many ways to express love to someone. But when that someone is Jesus, there’s just one: Do what He says. That includes turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, loving your neighbor, loving your enemy, caring for the needy, and prioritizing what’s important to Him. Keep making changes to your life so that it aligns with His.
The news of Jesus’ impending departure surely had a chilling effect on His disciples. No doubt they experienced some anxiety as they tried to imagine life without Him. But he wanted them to know He wasn’t leaving them empty-handed. The Holy Spirit was coming, and He would change their lives in ways they couldn’t imagine.
The Holy Spirit lives inside all believers. He guides us in our daily decision-making. He helps us discern God’s truth. He convicts us to confess and repent when we do wrong. He reminds us of Jesus’ words. He helps us understand Scripture. He helps shape our prayers. He nurtures spiritual fruit in our lives. He shows us how to be Jesus’ disciples.
Copyright © 2025 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.
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