Greg Laurie Daily Devotions

The Best Way to Live - Greg Laurie Devotion - June 10/11, 2023

Weekend, June 10, 2023

The Best Way to Live

You have decided the length of our lives. You know how many months we will live, and we are not given a minute longer. (Job 14:5 NLT)

There is a lot in life to trouble us these days. We can live in fear and paranoia, worrying about what might happen. Or, as Christians, we can commit our ways to the Lord.

The apostle Paul wrote, “For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better” (Philippians 1:21 NLT). What a great thing that is to know.

However, it doesn’t mean that we should be foolish and test God unnecessarily. There’s a difference between trusting God and testing Him.

The Book of Ecclesiastes tells us there is “a time to be born and a time to die" (3:2 NLT). We didn’t determine when we would be born, and we don’t really determine when we will die. We don’t know when that day will come because God appoints that day.

The Bible says of God, “You have decided the length of our lives. You know how many months we will live, and we are not given a minute longer” (Job 14:5 NLT).

That is why we want to always heed the biblical admonition to “prepare to meet [our] God (Amos 4:12 NLT). We don’t know when the day is coming.

Let’s imagine for a moment that today was your last day. Would you be ashamed of how you lived it? Or, would you say, “I think I’ve lived it well. I did what I should have done. I have no real embarrassment to speak of. It was a well-lived day”?

That is how you should live every day. Don’t live in such a way that you would be embarrassed about it if Jesus Christ were to return or if you were called to stand before God. We need to be prepared because we all will stand before Him one day.

So, let’s accept each day as a gift from God Almighty and live it to its fullest, totally committed to Him.

Copyright © 2023 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

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