Growing Endurance - Greg Laurie Devotion - March 3, 2022
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Growing Endurance
“For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow” (James 1:3 NLT).
While Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments, he didn’t know how bad things were back at the camp where he had left Aaron in charge. He didn’t yet know that the people were dancing around a golden calf and calling it their god.
So while he was there, the Lord said to him, “I have seen how stubborn and rebellious these people are. Now leave me alone so my fierce anger can blaze against them, and I will destroy them. Then I will make you, Moses, into a great nation” (Exodus 32:9-10 NLT).
But Moses interceded for them. He stood in the gap and prayed for them, and God changed His mind. Then Moses descended from the mountain to find the people engaged in full-tilt idolatry and immorality. And Aaron offered the most ridiculous excuse of all time to justify their horrible behavior.
Moses was so angry that he took the two tablets of stone he had been carrying and threw them on the ground, smashing them into pieces.
I think God used this experience to develop Moses and test him. Maybe God has been testing you lately, and you’re wondering why. Why does God allow trials, tribulation, and hardship in the lives of His children?
James 1 tells us, “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing” (James 1:2-4 NLT).
God lets us go through these trials to strengthen us. Trials are like God’s gym. We break down muscle to build it up, and we’ll be stronger as a result.
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