Greg Laurie Daily Devotions

No Agenda - Greg Laurie Devotion - October 28, 2021

Thursday, October 28, 2021

No Agenda

“So Moses cried out to the Lord for help” (Exodus 15:25 NLT).

When we pray, sometimes we feel as though we need to give God directions. “Lord, here’s what You’re going to do, and here’s when You’re going to do it.”

We don’t need to do that, but we do need to pray and bring our needs before the Lord. When the Israelites were turning against Moses, for example, we read that he cried out to the Lord (see Exodus 15:25).

And when John the Baptist was beheaded, Matthew’s gospel says that his disciples went and told Jesus (see Matthew 14:12). I love that. An unspeakable tragedy took place, so what did they do? They told the Lord about it.

When King Hezekiah received a threatening letter, the Bible tells us that “he went up to the Lord’s Temple and spread it out before the Lord” (2 Kings 19:14 NLT).

Mary and Martha did this as well. When their brother, Lazarus, got sicker and sicker, they appealed to their loving friend with a message: “Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick” (John 11:3 NKJV).

Notice the basis of their appeal. They didn’t say, “Lord, we’ve cooked so many meals for You that You owe us big time. Remember all those times You showed up without warning?” Rather, they simply said, “He whom You love is sick.” Ultimately Jesus would do His work in His way in His timing.

So when we’re sick or in need, we should call on the Lord—but we shouldn’t necessarily tell Him what He’s supposed to do.

Has someone threatened you? Are you being criticized? Are people turning against you? Have you been betrayed by a friend, a loved one, or a business partner? Cry out to the Lord. Whatever comes your way, you can find comfort in knowing that God loves you and is watching out for you.

Copyright © 2021 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

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