Harvest Daily 08/12/04
Harvest Daily Devotional
by Pastor Greg Laurie
August 12
Clothed with Christ
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. (Romans 13:14)
I like comfortable clothes. Most of the time you will find me wearing jeans, because they are comfortable. I don’t like starched shirts, and when I send my shirts to the cleaners, I specify “no starch.” For one of the cleaners we previously used, “no starch” meant “extra starch.” I would put on these shirts and could barely move in them, they were so stiff. That is not the kind of clothing I want. I want clothes that move where I move.
This is also the meaning behind the phrase in Romans 13:14, “put on the Lord Jesus Christ. . . .” It means, “to enter into His views and His interests. Imitate Him in all things.” “Put on the Lord Jesus” is the same concept as that of a person putting on clothing. It is the idea of letting Jesus Christ be a part of every aspect of your life. Let Him be with you when you get up in the morning. Make Him a part of your life today, going with you everywhere, and acting through you in every thing that you do.
J. B. Phillips puts the same verse this way: “Let us be Christ’s man from head to foot.” I like that translation. Too often, we are on a collision course with God, fighting Him and resisting Him. Too often, instead of going where God wants us to go and doing what He wants us to do, we are pulling against Him at every turn. If this is the case, we will lose—and we will lose big. So why fight it? Recognize His plan for you is better than the plan you have for yourself.
Copyright © 2004 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New King James Version, copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.