Greg Laurie Daily Devotions

Harvest Daily Devotional 02/16/03

Harvest Daily Devotional 
by Pastor Greg Laurie

February 16

Simple Things


“Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.”  (1 Corinthians 1:25)


Have you ever wished you could do a miracle for friends or family members who weren’t believers?  You think, “If this happened, then they would believe.”  We think we need something dramatic or earthshaking.  But so many times, God works in simple ways to reach people.


For example, I read about a hardened atheist who had a young daughter.  He didn't want her to believe in God.  So one day, he wrote down the words “God is nowhere” on a piece of paper and told his little girl to read them aloud.  She picked up the piece of paper.  She was just learning to read, so she sounded out her words and said, "God is . . . let's see, N-O W-H-E-R-E.  Oh, I understand, Daddy.  God is now here.”  The atheist was so touched by that simple little event that he became a believer in Jesus Christ.


I’m reminded of a couple that attended one of our Harvest Crusades in Southern California.  As they were walking down the street, they spotted a crumpled but colorful piece of paper on the ground.  When they picked it up and smoothed it out, they discovered a Harvest Crusade flyer.  They read it, and then prayed and received Christ.  They also went to the crusade and walked forward at the invitation.  What a simple thing God used: a little crumpled flyer that contained a gospel message. 


So often we think we need something dramatic to reach nonbelievers.  We need the greatest argument to reach them.  And so often, God does His work in unexpected ways.  God can use such simple things and speak in such simple ways.  You just never know.



Copyright © 2003 by Harvest Ministries.  All rights reserved.  Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New King James Version, copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.