Greg Laurie Daily Devotions

The Perspective of Eternity - Greg Laurie Daily Devotion - November 6, 2015


The Perspective of Eternity

So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. - (Psalm 90:12)

Have you ever wasted your time? Let me restate the question: Do you have a television or a smartphone?

There are so many television channels now. Yet I’ve sat with a remote control in hand and hardly found a single thing worth watching. I’ve also found myself wasting a lot of time. And now we have smartphones, which people can’t seem to stop looking at. They look at them while they’re driving. They look at them while they’re standing in line. They look at them while they’re walking down a crowded street. Everyone is sidetracked with this current technology, and I wonder how much time we waste.

It isn’t good to waste time, but it’s much worse to waste a life. In Matthew 26 we find the story of a woman who was accused of great waste. Interestingly, this accusation was made by a man whose life actually was a complete waste.

I’m convinced that when we get to Heaven, we’ll see things much differently. I think some things that we will have thought of as good during our lives on this earth may not be perceived as good in the same way. We think that good obviously means excellent health and having a lot of money. We think good means having a very successful career or ministry. I am not saying these things are bad. But maybe they won’t be as good as we once thought they were.

On the other hand, we may think of any kind of a setback, sickness, or failure in life as a horrible thing. But I think that when we get to Heaven, we will realize that some of those setbacks and failures actually produced more spiritual fruit in our lives than the so-called good things. Things are not always as they appear.

Copyright © 2015 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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