Jim Burns Homeword Daily Devotional for Parenting and Christian Family

<< HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - December 20, 2012

 Are You Prepared for Christmas?

This devotional was written by Robin Dugall

And it will be said, “Build up, build up, prepare the way. Remove every obstacle out of the way of my people.” 
—Isaiah 57:14

Christmas Day is coming soon. If you are like most people in our culture, you know one pressing reality: preparation! You are preparing your Christmas shopping list, the cookies and other goodies, and your time to accommodate all the activities in which you want to participate.

You might not know it but the Bible is big on preparations for the coming of Christmas. In fact, God was so committed to preparation that He came up with a strategy on how the world was to be prepared for the coming of the King.

First of all, there was the ministry of the prophets. For hundreds of years, the prophets were spokesmen for God not only spelling out God’s passion for a deep, abiding, obedient relationship with His people but also articulating God’s ultimate plan of salvation through the Messiah. Then, God miraculously brought John the Baptist into the world to prepare the way for Jesus. The Bible says that God had a plan that He was preparing to launch centuries before Jesus was actually born. It was not a surprise to God that Jesus’ entrance into human history would bring a major shift in the story of God’s relationship with us.

I wonder, how prepared are you for Christmas? You might have all the trimmings in place, but take some time to consider how you can create a more meaningful and soul-fulfilling Christmas this year. Have you prepared to slow down your life, taking time to evaluate what the meaning of Christmas makes in your day, your checkbook, your family, your marriage, your friendships, and your spiritual growth? Prepare your heart for Christmas. Let me assure you that Jesus is more interested in how you prepare yourself for Christmas than He is about all of your other preparations. God wants the most powerful impact of this Christmas to be the one He makes on your heart. So, let me ask you again, are you ready? Are you prepared for the coming of the King?


1. What preparations are you making for Christmas this week?  How are you preparing your heart for Christmas?  What is getting in the way of that type of preparation?

2. How would you like to see Jesus change you this holiday season?  What could you offer to the newborn King as a personal gift that would bring Him glory and honor?


[Luke 2:1-20, Mark 1:1-8]

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