HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - Feb. 23, 2011


Make Your Move 
This devotional was written by Dan Johnson 
I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. —2 Corinthians 6:2

The Bible tells us there is a time for everything and that includes change. Imagine a woman in her 10th month of pregnancy. At nine months, the baby is coming, ready or not. There comes a time when we outgrow the womb and staying longer is not a healthy option. A child on a diving board waiting for the courage to dive in can be paralyzed with fear. But the cold water splash is what is needed to keep confidence at a healthy level and embolden the child for other challenges.

Many know the dissatisfaction that comes from overstaying our welcome at work, in a geographic location or in a particular assignment in life. There is a time to come and a time to go. There is a time to dig in, lay down roots and stake our claim. But the opportunities that arise in life are presented to us in the context of our age, ability, in the moment. We have to decide if they come to us in the fullness of time. Open doors can close and the regret of missed opportunities can sting as much as hasty actions. There comes a time to give in to growth, stretch our wings and fly. But how do we know when it's time to make a change?

First, search the Good Book. The Bible is called God's Word because it is a written record of God's dealings with people who have needed guidance, courage and forgiveness through generations. We'll never face a situation that isn't addressed, at least in principle, in the Bible.

Second, get good counsel. The Bible teaches that there's wisdom in a multitude of counselors. Good friends have the right to tell us the truth and may just have the grace to break the news to us gently.

Finally, we need to have a sense that our good gifts and talents are going to be used when we take on a new task. Stewardship demands that our lives line up with our abilities. And it's more fun that way.

Life is short, at best. We have a shelf life. While we're still fresh, we're called to live each day to the fullest with the knowledge we have. We can enjoy the satisfaction that comes when our day-to-day routines are still challenging, providing room for growth, and making us wish for one more day to do what we love.


1. Could someone else do my job (position, task, or role) with more energy and passion than I? Why or why not?

2. Can I reinvent myself or is it time for someone else to take over?


Ecclesiastes 3:1; Proverbs 27:1

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