Jim Burns Homeword Daily Devotional for Parenting and Christian Family

<< HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - February 27, 2012


God Loves You Just the Way You Are
This devotional was written by Jim Burns

We love because he first loved us.1 John 4:19

Once upon a time there was a young girl named Susie. She was a beautiful little girl with the most wonderful doll collection in the world. Her father traveled all over the world on business, and for nearly 12 years he had brought dolls home to Susie. In her bedroom she had shelves of dolls from all over the United States and from every other continent on earth. She had dolls that could sing and dance and do just about anything a doll could possibly do.

One day one of her father's business acquaintances came to visit. At dinner he asked Susie about her wonderful doll collection. After dinner Susie took him by the hand and showed him these marvelous dolls from all over the world. He was very impressed. After he took the grand tour and was introduced to many of the beautiful dolls, he asked Susie, "With all these precious dolls you must have one that is your favorite. Which one is it?"

Without a moment's hesitation Susie went over to her old beat-up toy box and started pulling out toys. From the bottom of the box she pulled out one of the most ragged dolls you have ever seen. There were only a few strands of hair left on the head. The clothing had long since disappeared. The doll was filthy from many years of play outside. One of the buttons for the eyes was hanging down, with only a string to keep it connected. Stuffing was coming out at the elbow and knee. Susie handed the doll to the gentleman and said, "This doll is my favorite."

The man was shocked and asked, "Why is this doll with all these beautiful dolls in your room?" She replied, "If I didn't love this doll, nobody would!"

That single statement moved the businessman to tears. It was such a simple statement, yet so profound. The little girl loved her doll unconditionally. She loved the doll not for its beauty or abilities but simply because it was her very own doll.

God loves you the way Susie loved her doll. God loves you not for what you do but for who you are. You never need to earn God's love. He loves you because you are His special creation because of God's unconditional love you are free to blossom into all He wants you to be. His love has no strings attached.


1. According to 1 John 4:19 what is our motivation to love?

2. How do you feel when you comprehend God’s unconditional love for you? Take a moment to give Him your praise and thanksgiving for His gracious never-ending, never-fading love for you.


1 John 4:10

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