Jim Burns Homeword Daily Devotional for Parenting and Christian Family

<< HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - July 23, 2013

 Please Sir, I Want Some More

This devotional was written by Elizabeth Cole

O taste and see that the Lord is good. —Psalm 34:8a

The classic musical Oliver! features a scene that has captured my heart. The young orphan Oliver has just come to the orphanage. It’s dinnertime and he’s been served very little to eat…and he’s hungry. He finishes what he’s been given, gets up, and walks down the drab dining hall toward Mr. Bumble. The other orphans fall silent as they anxiously watch each step. Oliver sweetly lifts his bowl and asks, “Please, sir, I want some more.” Perhaps you recall the shock and disapproval that follow the request: Oh, the audacity, the impertinence, the presumption of the boy!

Now contrast that with the God we serve. We have a God who generously invites us to taste and see that He is good. Furthermore, I am convinced through Scripture that we have a God who – when we do taste and see how very good He is and when we do approach Him and say, “Please, sir, I want some more,” – smiles and holds out a big ol’ ladle-full and generously gives us more. He is, in fact, the God of More.

More of Himself and His goodness. More of His kindness, His mercy, His graciousness.

Imagine it. This very day, we approach our Father with confidence, lifting up our lives to Him and requesting, “Please sir, I want some more.” And then we receive and receive from His generous goodness, from His mercies that He assures us are new every single morning.

We have received not only eternal life, we’ve received the very presence of God’s Spirit in our lives. Over and over again, we receive His provision, His guidance, His strength, His comfort, His power…all of it expressions of His goodness.

Are you hungry this morning? Go ahead….ask for more!


1. Where in your life do you need to ask for more of God’s guidance or strength or comfort?

2. When was the last time you savored and meditated on the goodness of God in your life? What would it take for you to proactively seek more of God today?


Ephesians 3:20John 4:7-14John 6:26-58Luke 11:9

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