Jim Burns Homeword Daily Devotional for Parenting and Christian Family

<< HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - Mar. 31, 2011

A Ford Convertible
This devotional was written by Jim Grams

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. —Matthew 6:33

I will never forget the wonderful driving days I had with my 1953 black Ford convertible. I got it a few days before starting my junior year in college. I rolled onto the campus two days before classes began and I was “cool.” I couldn’t wait for my ex-girlfriend to get a look at my fancy new ride.

A convertible was a “want” I had. In the verse above, Jesus promises us we’ll get what we “need.” Wants and needs are very, very different. Sometimes we want very foolish things and God tells us, “No, you can’t have that!” And sometimes God surprises us by blessing us with our wants. But, He always provides what we need. Jesus tells us to look at the birds and the flowers and see how wonderfully our Heavenly Father takes care of them.

Then, Jesus asks, “Are you not much more valuable than they?  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” I was cutting lawns for $1 an hour that junior year in college. There was a gas war in town and I could fill my tank for $2! Recently, it took $69.90 to fill our Hyundai. God met my needs in 1959, and He met them again yesterday. He is always faithful!

I needed a car to drive from Oregon to Missouri for college. I needed a car to go mow the grass across town. I wanted a convertible to impress the girl who had broken my heart the semester before. Sometimes our wants and needs come together. That same girl has now been my wife for 50 years! I love it when God surprises us with His blessings. He is a loving Father!


1. Are your prayer requests full of wants or are they about your needs?

2. I’d like to suggest you take a few minutes and make a list of your needs. Then carefully make another list of your wants. And then, go to prayer.


Matthew 6:19-21Philippians 4:11-13Colossians 3:2

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