Jim Burns Homeword Daily Devotional for Parenting and Christian Family

Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care
<< HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - March 13, 2007

This devotional was written by Mike DeVries

How long, LORD? Will you hide yourself forever? How long will your wrath burn like fire? Lord, where is your former great love, which in your faithfulness you swore to David? Psalm 89:46, 49


At some age, kids become professional question-askers, don’t they? One day everything is normal, life is humming along quite nicely, and then it begins.

“Dad, why is the sky blue? How did it get to be blue anyway? Is there something behind it? What’s space like? Is it really all black like on TV? How big is space, anyway? Why is yellow called ‘yellow’?”

You get the idea.

At first, I’ll admit I was frustrated. Every time I answered one of these questions, it invariably led to a dozen more. One day, my wife asked me a question, “Do you know why the kids always ask you those kinds of questions?” I flinched, thinking that if I answered this one, I might find myself buried underneath an avalanche of “other” questions. So I decided to try another tactic. I shrugged.

“They think you know the answer.”

Now my wife is normally brilliant, but this time she was pure genius. Kids ask these kinds of questions because they believe their parents truly know the answers. In a strange sort of way, it is the asking of the question that shows their greatest sense of faith. There is no doubt in my six-year-old’s mind that any question she asks will have some answer from Dad. Dad just knows.

This has all kinds of implications, doesn’t it?

Some people believe that to question God is the ultimate form of disobedience. Questioning God shows a lack of faith. I don’t agree.

Time and again in the Scriptures we come across people who cried out to God. They cried out to God because they knew that He had been faithful in the past, and that they needed Him to be faithful once again in the present. “God, where are you? I thought you were a loving God. Where’s this loving God that I thought you were?” Perhaps you’ve asked the same kinds of questions. When you and I ask hard questions of God, we are standing in the stream of this ancient tradition, one that is captured time and again in the Scriptures.

It is in the asking of your honest, gut-wrenching questions, the ones filled with anger and frustration, that you are expressing a deep sense of faith. We cry out to God, in frustration and in anger, because we believe that He is the only one who can do something about it.

Wherever you are in your faith journey, know that you can come to God honestly with your questions, your doubts and your frustrations. It just might be the most faith-filled thing you can do.

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Take a moment to write down some questions for God. Be honest, even brutally honest. Spend a few moments praying about these questions, bringing each one of them to God.


Psalm 73; Psalm 89

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