Jim Burns Homeword Daily Devotional for Parenting and Christian Family

<< HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - Nov. 5, 2008


The Twelfth Man 
This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden

Then he said to the disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  As the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”— Matthew 9:36

Students do not sit at Texas A&M football games.  The A&M athletic department is built on the traditions of the 12th Man.  During a football game in 1922 the underdog Aggies were playing the nation’s number one ranked team.  Player after player left the field unable to return and the Aggies had limited reserves.  From the stands came a former football player.  E. King Gill suited up and stood on the sidelines ready to play for the team during the remainder of the game.  At the end of the game he was the only man standing.  The courage and heart displayed by this fan has encouraged others to follow his lead.  At each game fans stand symbolically ready to go into the game.  Students are more than just spectators; they are the twelfth man, ready to go in if the team should need them. 

Perhaps you see Billy Graham as the star quarterback or Jim Burns the reliable receiver, James Dobson the all-American cornerback and your head pastor on the offensive line of the “Christianity Team”.  Where do you see yourself?  Are you sitting on the sidelines?  You shouldn’t be.  You are a part of the team.  Stand up and be ready. 

Jesus saw the huge crowds that were following Him and His disciples, so he told them to pray that workers would be ready.  Many are ready to give their lives to Christ, but they need someone to show them how.  Jesus tells us to pray for workers.  Perhaps you are praying for yourself too!  The workers are few.  We are all ministers and missionaries to those God has put in our lives.  Don’t wait for the next Crusade or Easter Service at your church.  You are part of the team. You are a worker.  Be ready for God to use you!


  1. Who are people in your life that need a Christian to walk alongside them?  How can you be the friend who introduces them to Christ? 
  2. Pray that God would present opportunities for you share the good news of Christ!

Ezekiel 34:5-6; Matthew 28:19-20; 1 Peter 2:9 

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